2 players have not responded and it is time to update the board. Without an axe, our game is halted, so I'm going to trade the axe from player 2 so that we can continue to play this game. Players 2 and 3 are welcome to continue playing and need only to submit their next moves.
Objective: Reach the trapped citizens and extract them from the city.
Players turn from day before:
(1) @roykattoussi - pistol; moves 3 spaces North
(2) @mr-karl - axe; no response
(3) @miniature-tiger - bat; no response
(4) @happyme - rifle; shoots at Walker in the next space and misses 2x but kills on the 3rd try.
Players can see a spreadsheet with their inventory here:
Zombie Turn after the players made the above moves:
All zombies pre-existing on the board move: No zombies are on the board.
Zombies spawn at spawn sites:
Lower left rolls a 2 = nothing.
Upper left rolls a 1 = nothing.
Upper right rolls a 4 = Walker.
This game is already in progress. You are welcome to sign up for the next one when it is announced (after this game ends).
The Rules of this game can be found here:
The only legal way to get these exclusive buttons is to play the game and win.
Original zombie image used in the button obtained from https://pixabay.com/en/zombie-death-dead-day-of-the-dead-1801470/ (CC0)
Player 3:
Move North three times
(sorry, I was waiting for the axe to move before, as I have to follow that)
i can understand we need the axe to move further but we can also prepair for the break inn
With player 2 back in the game, how do you wish to go from here? Shall we pretend the trade never happened and I get 1 more move? Or player 2 needs to do another trade to get the axe back? Or consider the original trade involved trading the axe for my rifle? Or any other suggestions?
For a honest game lets just leave it like it is now
Player 1 moves 2 up and wait
Player 4
Action 1: trade the axe from player 2.
Actions 2 & 3: Move North 2 spaces.
Well Fuck me guys im so sorry for not being online. Seriously I am
Move north 3 spaces.
Welcome back!