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RE: Are all Modern Games Out of Date? - Future Tech - Part 21

in #gaming7 years ago

Pretty cool article, nice stuff!

I am rather embarrassed to say that this is the first time that I've heard about Point Cloud Data, but your article was more than enough reason for me to read up on it a bit more.

As this is a new piece of tech I am rather curious as to what the Hardware vendors (AMD/Intel/Nvidia) would need to do in order to support it.

The reason for this question is because I'm (personally) very interested in PC Hardware, especially the CPU and the GPU. The graphics cards are already insanely complex beasts that have a huge amount of money thrown into the constant research and development of each new GPU. If moving from polygon based rendering to PCD would require an almost ground-up development then; as awesome as it may be, unless everyone in the gaming industry (hardware manufactures, game developers and game engine developers) were to commit to it as a new standard, it is really hard to see it being adapted anytime soon.
Simply put, the risks would be too high, if it were to backfire and fail, whoever the early backers were would take a serious hit.

That is not to say I'm against such an idea, we need innovation in the gaming industry and even being informed of PCD is something good. I'm going to enjoy reading up on the ideas behind it and how it's been developed in the recent years!


i would suggest reading up on Euclideon, they have been pioneering PCD for a decade now and use it exlusivly for there holoverse and holotable. as far as i am aware, euclideon use existing hardware but have written there own software specific to that hardware. give em an email, they are very friendly to deal with.