I've only owned an Xbox 360 or a PS3. It is too monotonous for me to have both a next gen console and a computer.
Questions: 1) Can you mod/upgrade a gaming laptop as easily as a gaming desktop?
2)Pricing. Generally speaking will I get more bang for my buck w/Laptops or desktops.
- Brands. Which to look for/avoid?
I only have rudimentary knowledge about PC gaming.
Posted using Partiko Android
I would say it really depends on what kind of game do you want to play. For me a gaming laptop is portable and can serve all my needs.
I've seen some cool gaming laptops lately, here are a couple of YouTube reviews:
Posted using Partiko Android
Desktop is best bang for buck by far, most you could ever upgrade on a laptop is a hard drive or if you're lucky, RAM, I would imagine desktop gives you more options for modding also.
Avoid Alienware and CyberPOWER/iBUYPOWER and their overpriced and unreliable crap, respectively.