holoz0r stream throwback: XCOM 2 War of the Chosen Part 8

in #gaming7 years ago

Hello again!

Back with the 8th video in this stream series, as previously stated, in the interests of archiving, and conveying to the world the gloriousness that is XCOM 2. The War of the Chosen pack adds so much stuff, and so many more, and new ways to die.

It's fantastic to have a game released in the last five years that doesn't hold your hand like a teacher at the road crossing outside your school.

Where the game does take you however, is to the school of me learning XCOM 2 strategy and sharing what I learn, what I know via voice, and amusing video, where my beard commands a presence, muffling my voice forevermore.

As usual, if you can't, or have trouble with the dtube version above, here's the YouTube clip, which is part of a playlist, that you can watch 8+ hours of my XCOM 2 exploits in to date!

Hope you enjoy!



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