How To Play PSP Game YU-GI-OH GX Tag Foce On Pc [ENG]

in #gaming7 years ago

Hello Steemit, good night all, Here I am going to review games psp anime YU-GI-OH GX TAG FORCE. Where is the game we play on a pc or laptop.

Its really easy to play.

First we must have PSP pspnya Games and applications.

In the application there is a psp game menu, there we select the game, because I only review games yugioh. Then we will press the picture to the game.

Drawn early to the game we were told to create a user name.

After we've finished creating user names. Then the main menu will appear. Where isthe menu we will play with the press story mode.

Deck menu to set the appropriate card decks of our desires.

Database to view card album, tutorial and duel ranking.

Network mode to connect between 2 pc's to fight through the network.

Option to change the sound or controls that exist in the game.

Save data to store the data of the game.

After we menenkan story mode, then we will go into this game, in this game we as a student in the school of Duel Academy. There we will introduce ourselves as new recruits.

This folder to make it easier for us to go to school, can also press the button to savethe data and to view the dates of the tournament at the school.

Here we will be pressing the classroom. To enter the class of Duel Academy.

Main gate to the region we are entering the area of the school.

Store is our store to buy food and card decks.

Duel field is an arena where every fighter will fight him to the arena.

Chancelor's office was the principal.

In the atmosphere of the class we will meet with the teacher Vellian Crowler. There we should greet the one by one. So that we can be able to direct play. What if we do not greet pupils there then we will not get out of that class.

The following pictures of pupils in the class of Duel Academy.

The beginning of the game we will be taught how to play him. Here I will you know to play the game

Here each fighter was given 5 cards for others but each round we can draw a card every time a game. Here we are given a life point 8000setiap fighters. Where every fighter who had reduced his life point then the Boxer will lose.

 After we draw, then we will issue the card to be played in the arena. Summon to attack mode. Sets for fashion showdetails and survive, to see the info card deck. 

After we've memiih cards for the arena. Then we have not been able to strike the target. Every game early can not attack. So we should be pressing the end-phase.

After the opponent is finished. Then we can direct attack by using our highest card deck.

Then the automatic life point your opponent will be reduced if we continue to attack.

The conclusion of my review of this game is because I really like the game play yugioh. This game is great for played for lovers of the game and the anime.

Perhaps only this could I review for now.

If there is a wrong word or utterance I apologize.

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