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in #gaming6 years ago

CK2 is the best one to write funny after action reports.
Who doesn't cry, when a powerful character dies and his imbecile heir takes over with a long reign full of failures

Nice to see more paradox players here on the blockchain

Stellaris is my least favourite.
Because I just love the what ifs.
Bringing history on different tracks is way to much fun:)


Interestingly, Stellaris is my favorite of the Paradox games, and I say that as someone who has played all of them and put a lot more hours into EU4 than I would like to admit. Part of that is because Stellaris is really a stripped-down refinement of a lot of mechanics that they've developed in previous games and are slowly ramping the detailing complexity up via their DLC, as they tend to do.

But the other reason is because I like being a huge space empire of brain-eating hiveminds who get to develop and design their own spaceships. There's something just innately gratifying to me about getting to start with almost nothing and expanding outwards to establish something absolutely new.

Which means that the new CK2 stuff which allows you to start with Shattered World or Random World really strikes me in my wheelhouse if you turn everything down to "characters are only Counts at best" and you just claw your way up.

I'm definitely a little perverse that way, though.

Currently just replaying a Bohemia scenario in CK2, not so much Holy Furry Fury stuff did happen. Should have chosen a different start, but I like my known grounds.

Stellaris is nice from Gameplay, but it feels like Civ or some other 4x Games. Just fantasy stuff.

And talking hours. 3k+ into eu4, 600+ in HOI4 and.. I don't know how much in CK2, but so where in between those numbers

Yes, I love staring at maps.