Thanks Amazon.... For Making Me Eat My Words!

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

So in THIS POST the other day I sort of slammed Amazon Prime for slow walking my pre-order deliveries. So lo and behold today I get an email alert saying they have shipped out my copy of Destiny 2 and I should be getting it tomorrow. That's only 1 day after the actual release date which is totally acceptable, especially since it only cost 49$ instead of 80$ . Got to love those E3 pre-order deals. So for now I'll put Amazon Prime back on the must have list for any gamer who buys 5 or more new release games a year and doesn't mind buying pre-orders. There are many other great deals on Amazon that the Prime membership is good for too I'm sure but I have no idea what they are as the savings on games is enough for me. So for now I'll stick with you Amazon. Sorry Best Buy better luck next time.

Anyway let me know what you think in the comments below about Best Buy and/or Amazon Prime gaming deals. For more about gaming, movies, tv and more follow me @johnquake


never preorder they charge to much just order on the day it comes out

That may be the case most of the time but definitely during E3 next year check out the Amazon E3 page. The Pre-Orders for most of the games shown at E3 end up being like 49$ Canadian whereas it's usually 80$ Canadian. That's roughly 40% off! They even give free shipping as well so it's totally worth it. I've been keeping an eye out throughout the year and I've never seen them offered that cheap again,it's only during their annual E3 Sale.