I have to say nintendo definetly influenced my childhood. Owned NES, SNES, Gamecube, Wii U and on top of that the playstation 3.
If I would have to pick a system it would be the SNES.
Zelda a Link to the past and Secret of Mana are still some of the best games I ever played.
Way less time playing games these days, but I just got Assasins creed 4 Black Flag on sale on the Wii U, and I have to say I really like the athmosphere. Sailing around in beautiful paradise and listening to pirate shanties, amazed how well it plays on the wii u and how good it looks. Relaxing to hit those turqoise seas.
It is hard to go wrong with the SNES. So many great games. Nice, I haven't played that one. I remember really liking Assassin Creed online.