Let's Take a Quick Look at 5 of the Most Popular Games this Month:
Every month we will see awesome titles take the world by storm causing hype and anger among the gaming scene.
The last month hasn't been any exception and i'm here to give you a quick run down of 5 of the most popular games this month!
So sit back and enjoy while I give you all a quick run down on what all the HYPE has been about!
Cuphead is a side scrolling action platforming shoot 'em up game. It utilizes early Disney esque art styles for it's visuals with complementary Big Band Jazz (Swing) and Barbershop back ground music to really emphazise the 1930's theme it's presenting.
You bet the Devil on a game of dice, now it's time to pay the price.
Cuphead and Mugman are the main protagonists of our tale of side scrolling local co-op only action (just thought I'd get that out of the way). They made a deal with the Devil on a game of craps, thinking they couldn't possibly lose, they were wrong.
The plot sets the mood from the very beginning, a game with an innocent cartoonish look and innocent looking characters but underlying adult themes are afoot... moral of the story? Don't gamble with your life.
Cuphead plays very much like the original Contra games, except the colors are reversed this go around. P1 (Cuphead) is red and P2 (Mugman) is blue. You walk around an overworld map choosing destinations to venture in to. Some are bosses, some are side scrolling levels.
There's always more than a single option available to you but in the end you have to complete every stage to progress the main story. There are side quests to embark on by talking to overworld NPC's and hidden coins to collect. There's a shop to buy different styles of shots and charms to help balance out your weaknesses as a player.
Once an area is selected you then choose your difficulty. At first only Simple (Easy) and Regular (Normal) modes are unlocked. Once you finish the game, Expert (Hard) mode becomes available.
Quantum Break
Innovation is rare in games these days. Many developers follow the blue print for what is popular and safe and iterate on that. There is nothing inherently wrong with that, but most companies are not willing to go out on a limb and make something truly different. Thankfully, Remedy is one of those developers.
Remedy has a track record of innovation starting with Max Payne 1 and 2 where they introduced Bullet Time to gamers and influenced a number of games to ape its style. With the much-beloved Alan Wake, they created a third person shooter based around using light towards your enemies as opposed to being gun-focused. Their latest game, Quantum Break, is perhaps their most ambitious yet. Mixed in with the traditional gameplay are episodes of a live-action show. When I first heard about this, I was dubious to say the least. Live action TV interspliced with a game? That sounds like it could go horribly wrong. Fortunately, Remedy pulls it of shockingly well and delivers a gripping story and experience truly unlike anything else in gaming.
Quantum Break is split up into five acts with what’s called a Junction in between each act as well an episode of the show. These Junctions let you play the role of the antagonist, Paul Serene, and make a decision that will influence the rest of the game as well as the next episode of the show. This is a novel change of perspective that you rarely see in games where you get to make a pivotal decision as the bad guy. I found these decision to be intriguing enough that after my initial playthrough, I went back to look at the other outcomes.
The story of Quantum Break revolves around time travel which can always be a sticky situation. I’ve seen far to many forms of media bungle time travel stories by contradicting themselves and falling apart under their own weight. Remedy, to its credit, creates a well-defined set of rules for the universe and adheres to them quite well. I found their use and explanation of time travel to be incredibly coherent and superbly well done. I was so pleased by their execution since the narrative of Quantum Break was my favorite part about the game. I found the story to be riveting and scoured every level to get my hands on every collectible that I could that fleshed out the story. I highly recommend seeking out at least some, if not all, of the collectibles as they provide tremendous world building and give you a deep look at what is going on in the universe. I enjoyed this approach as it left the heavy exposition out of the core game but left it there for the player if they wanted it.
PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS (PUBG) is a massively multiplayer, battle royale game mode and a TPS made by a company called Bluehole Inc. The founder of the game and game mode is called PlayerUnknown. He originally made and helped make the battle royale genre in Arma 3 (An original mod) and H1Z1 King of the Kill. This game is also the first game in the last 2 - 4 years to beat Team Fortress 2 and reach the third highest peak in player counts. PUBG is by far the most popular early access game on Steam.
PUBG’s main objective is to be the last man standing. You start off in a plane, flying in a certain direction above the island. You are forced to jump out of the plane and parachute to any building or area of your own choice. You must scavenge weapons, armor and medical supplies. These are all randomly generated and spawned in every house. From semi-automatic rifles to powerful pistols. There are weapons for everyone as well as melee weapons.
Cars are also randomly spawned in so you can drive to locations quicker as well as run over people running in the battlefield. Motorcycles, Buggies and Jeeps including some with cover. Each vehicle can protect you from gun fire. Motorcycles may be exposing but fast. Jeeps may be exposing but big to run over people. The covers on them protect you from exposing skin and protects you from gunfire as well as being big to run over others.
This game is impossible to bait and camp people for over 5 minutes at a time. Every 5 minutes, a circle closes in and you must enter the white circle (the play area). Cars can be useful because if you’re over 3km from the next circle and the blue circle is moving, you can quickly travel by car / motorbike to the next circle. This keeps the action constantly going. The circle can get as small as 1 small shack or building.
Dota 2
Dota 2 is the official sequel to the highly popular mod for Blizzard's Warcraft III, Defense of the Ancients. A mod that has been worked on by many, and therefore it was hard to determind where the rights belong. A lot of legal hocus pocus were going on between Blizzard and Valve last year, and it ended to valve's favor. The Dota name and franchise is now legally a part of Valve, probably thanks to the sneaky acquisition of IceFrog the year before.
Dota 2 is a real-time strategy game in the sub-genre called MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena). A genre that has grown rapidly the past few years, with different type of alterations in favor of success. Dota 2 is a close second to being the most popular MOBA, right behind the giant League of Legends. Just like LoL, Dota 2 is gaining success throughout it's competetive e-sport scene, and it's clear that valve is highly pushing it towards the first position. The latest and biggest tournament was The International 2017, which included a total prize pool of over 24 million US dollars, which was the biggest prize pool in e-sport history.
Gameplay is easy to understand but very hard to master. The map consists of 3 lanes that are constantly being pushed by NPC creeps. You are controlling a hero amongst 4 other in your team, and are fighting against 5 in the opposing team. The goal is to push your heroes and NPC creeps to the enemy base, where you have to destroy the ancient. It sounds pretty easy, but it requires hours upon hours to get a hold of the base mechanics, the more advanced mechanics and the professional mechanics. Plus the over 100 heroes you get to play and face.
Counter Strike: Global Offensive
Counter Strike: Global Offensive, the remake of the classic CS games and not to our surprise, the devs did a good job. One of the lovely things about it, that of had not been kept I seriously doubt the game would be as popular as it is currently, it keeps the mechanics from the classic CS and CS:S and adds a few of it's own, that the original CS and CS:S games could have done with. CS’s weak point was always the graphics, the original games were based of the HL1 engine, which I am sure all you are aware is reasonably old, although it’s added a new range of updated maps, including operations.
Aim and sound play an important role in CS:GO, More than in most other shooters. every gun has it's own recoil pattern to learn and it's own unique playstyle. Since CS:GO requires alot more tactics than most other shooters, aim is more important aswell. Having your crosshair at the right position means you can take your opponent down alot faster. Alot of practice, and playing aim maps helps and using your sound to locate your enemy's footsteps gives you a big advantage. The CS:GO Esports scene is also massive, milions of people follow it and it's a great place to learn. Use this to your advantage. Wanna know those new tactics, boosts and smoke/flashes? Watch some games! You can honestly learn alot from watching the pro's play.
Thanks for taking a look at the five most popular games this month!
I hope you enjoyed what I put together, if you did don't forget to Upvote, Follow and Resteem!
Drop me a Comment in the Comment section too, I love a chat on Steemit and getting to know new people!
Yeah I'm kind of hooked on PUBG lately, 350 hours so far and no sign of stopping lol.
Nice post thanks for that :)
Yeah PUBG is amazing, I literally just finished a game!
I was killed with 30 left and I didn't even get a chance to get a kill!
Thanks for your kind comment :)
I used to play Gta, then fifa and then Dota. Quite gaming thing nowadays.
They are all fantastic games you used to play, I bet you have fantastic memories!
Those are sweet memories.

This Post was resteemed by @resteemitnow
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