
Hola! Bienvenido a Steemit. Este es mi juego favorito. Suertee

Good list here.

Thanks Bud!

I play all those games and love them like they were my nephew.

Nice work boy

Boy? XD

Lol. He assumed you were a kid because elyaque said you were his nephew.

Dont worry... Josh is my Dad XD

Wow, good job, you listed even some of my favorite Games!


Hey Kyle! Klasse daß man hier jetzt auch deutschsprachige gamers trifft! Einige der von Dir aufgeführten Games habe ich noch gar nicht probiert, sind jetzt aber auf meine Liste! Guter Artikel!

Danke Pino! Krass dass du dich auf gaming interessierst .

Now that's a list of games Kyle. I'm sure your good at all of them. Keep posting.....

Thanks dude! Its so cool to see positive people like you

Sweet job man deine liste kommt fast wie meine ;)

I believe the Germans might say its "giel"!

To close its "geil" ;)

Excellent list. Did not know about the Skyrim SE but I'll be looking for it.

Thanks man! Everyone that gets or has the Legendary Edition for Skyrim on Steam will get the SE for free. So hurry up buying it because its Quakecon and all Bethesda games including Skyrim have discount.

Cool post!....Defender all the way!..oldschool i use to run to the arcade every day after school to try and get the high score .

WOW... you are OLD... Just kidding bro i will look at it ;-).
I actually kinda remember playing a Tekken game (I dont know which one) on the PS1. I was really bad XD

I upvote U