I was worried about whether or not the process of actually uploading to steam but as it turns out it all looks pretty damn easy! There was an utterly ridiculous tutorial before it seems that was made back in 2014 that was telling you to do all sorts of DOS commands just to get the damn game uploaded but I found tucked away in the tools folder of the Steamworks folder you download there is a file called "SteamPipeGUI.exe".
What is this little executable? Well it's a simple GUI that makes uploading a hell of a lot easier. All I need to do to get the game loaded is enter in the required information, point the little GUI to the various folders and then that should be it. I've still got to finish the playtesting but it's a relief at the end of it I won't have to fiddle with some kind of idiotic backend system.
Yeah, you are quite right.
Just stumbled onto this, were you inspired by the band Rabbit In the Moon? Just made me think of it...
lol no :D I didn't even know there was a band, it was asian folk lore that inspired me to make this game.
Interesting, I've lived in Asia for 5 years and never knew that. Here's the band... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbit_in_the_Moon. I wonder now if they were inspired by the folklore as well