We've been waiting too long for the day when the favorite demon tamer danced with his sword again, would shoot in the messy world to put two ammo magazines into their kills. Dante returns in a big way, reminding the world why his adventures were warming up many years ago.
Devil May Cry 5 begins with a huge boost. The authors do not try to get a longer introduction, a story about trees and flowers. Here, after the first few minutes, we face an extremely powerful opponent who, having no special plan for life, decided to destroy our planet. Without making difficult decisions, without deeper immersion in the antagonistic psychological turmoil there is a powerful rival and you need to beat him. The short prologue also announces the whole event, because here we know the opponent from the beginning, and for the next 10 hours we strive for the final clash.

Just action
History is predictable and people familiar with the series will know exactly who is waiting for the last corner. However, this is not bad news, because the action is really well conducted. There is no time for boredom, each of the 20 chapters is packed with combat, although one of the following is missing: an additional five hours of gameplay. It is still a very good time for the whole series, but the Japanese magicians have prepared a gameplay that allows you to take your production at one sitting. The console does not want to leave, because each combos offers the right power. The attacks are felt, causing great satisfaction.
Probably no one plays Devil May Cry for the story, but it's worth noting that the screenwriters offer a very simple and predictable story in this case, which may (but does not have to!) surprise you in one moment. Creators of many issues do not explain, and do not even care about a solid introduction admittedly before the game there is an option to look at the material summarizing the story, but it is rather a pill prepared for players who know the series will refresh their memory. The studio does not waste time to present the heroes accurately, because there is really no time for it (continuous action!), And even I had the impression that for the developers it did not make much sense. Capcom is aimed at its devoted fans, but it is not a good solution to the end, because the characters scroll through the screen, which need a proper introduction. I do not even talk about Dante, Nero (main characters), but Trish and Lady deserve a few additional scenes.
On the other hand, Nico falls out positively, of which we do not know too much, but in one scene the girl fakes a flirtatious eye towards the fan-player and redeems her fault - or rather the fault of the developers. The woman provides equipment to our team, but mainly works with Nero. Among the new characters, you can not forget about V - the third playable character is a great mystery, and its rudimentary genesis was irritating at first, but in this case specific information is presented at the right moment. Urizen is a great antagonist at the same time. Who is the demonic king? Honestly, also in this case, at the beginning we do not have the knowledge we need, but the information comes with time. The advantage of the character is his appearance and the motivation itself - it is another strong smile towards devoted Devil May Cry devotees.

Preserved pillars
The creators do not run away from the foundations of the series by offering a number of missions, between which we watch great-looking cutscenes. It is clearly visible that the authors have not wasted years, using new technologies (RE Engine!), And especially close-ups on the face. Adventure like the previous parts surprises every step, because we are constantly facing new opponents, which must be approached individually. The team responsible for the weapon also did not forget about the toys, because basically even at the very end Dante collects new equipment - unfortunately, its full power will be known only when maximizing production. As a standard, after finishing the events, we can approach the title again: in this case we will choose a higher level of difficulty or we will simply improve our score in the chosen stage.
Each mission offers very well-known attractions - we traverse the corridor location, on the way we encounter monsters, and from time to time we must find an object that will open a closed passage. Developers keep us by the hand from beginning to end. Fortunately, the studio did not follow the competition, deciding to throw the player into another open world. There are also side missions in the game, during which we teleport to a small level, where we have to show cat skill by eliminating encountered rivals.
All wild harries with subsequent demons are counted, and at the end we get a rating, so the biggest fans will usually spend hours on the exact mastering of the location to finish the title with the highest note. Honestly, it is not easy even at a higher level of difficulty - unfortunately, in the title for the start we have only two challenges (for new players and experts in the series) and on the second I had no major problem with any horde rivals. Only twice did I fall while fighting with the boss - the creators clearly look towards the less experienced audience, because without a problem we return to the fight using red orbits and a special object. This greatly facilitates the clashes, we can even go back several times to the arena, when the opponent still has the same health bar. Unfortunately, the Japanese have not given up microtransactions and needed "balls" to resurrect in the digital store for real cash.

Every three swords are not just one
Devil May Cry 5 is not really the story of one hero. In the game there are three playable characters - Dante, Nero and V. These two first know well the sympathizers of the brand, and the third - You will want to meet. Japanese code masters again did not disappoint and presented matching characters, because in fact every protagonist encountered was perfectly integrated into the realities and the whole universe.
Dividing the action into missions let us use the change of heroes - we start the story in the skin of Nero, later we have the opportunity to check the V, and only in the middle of the action comes Dante. This is not the best solution, but well explained plot. The action jumps between characters, and even events appear in which we can decide who then we want to crush next monsters. The decision to put on three heroes was an extremely accurate hit, because Capcom gives our paws not only different-looking protagonists, but offering a completely different style of gameplay. It is for this reason that the latest Devil May Cry can be passed at even one sitting, because the game does not bore even in microsecond - here we systematically receive a different character, check the next weapons, and yet we come across fresh and nasty rivals.
I never thought that there would be a character in Devil May Cry who would literally steal my heart and embody me more willingly than in Dante. This is the mysterious V - its genesis is strongly related to the main plot, and because of the gameplay is the complete opposite of the main character of the series. V does not run with a sword behind demons, does not use a huge gnat, and is a kind of magician who summons a hawk, panther and overgrown golem and they do a job. Of course, we issue commands (the bird and the kitten have their buttons on the pad), but V really is on the side and only at the crucial moment comes to the fore - his beasts can not kill the demon, so when the opponent's health belt drops, it's a new character ends the game with his cane. It looks impressive and makes me happy. In fact, the V himself was especially well-presented, because he is not sure of his demon hunter, but rather lost in the world skinny guy, which can not carry a more powerful sword and in extreme situations pulls out his book. With it, we charge the belt responsible for the final attack or summoning giant.
Nero is already well known to the general public, but through the events from the very beginning, the hero is robbed from one hand. Fortunately, Nico constructs a prosthesis for him, which allows him to continue his profession and eliminate demons. A talented engineer has not created just one paw, and during the story we get access to other "hands" that have various applications. Normally, we will use the link and like Scorpion we will callback, but nothing prevents us from using this equipment like electric givets, send a bullet-laser in the direction of rivals, send shock waves, slow down enemies, use metal whip or just fire a weapon. Nero can even get rid of the entire arsenal - it all depends on our style of gameplay and how to use this addition to sword and givers. We refill the new ammunition in the store-motorhome, and the prepared mechanics are a real colouration of the game, because the toy opens up huge possibilities in creating more combos. At the same time - which I will repeat all the time - the protagonist's movements are so different from the other two.

I can not forget about the boss, of course. Dante returns in his best suit to then use a few known and new toys - we have a Rebellion sword, King Cerber, we easily run with Cavalier or use Barlog, and in the other hand are Ebony & Ivory (twin guns), Coyote- A (shotgun), Dr. Faust (funny hat) and Kalina Ann II. And that's not all pleasure. The creators do not bother us with any limitations, because the hero can smoothly jump between eight weapons during the fight, and at the same time uses four attacking styles - all of these artifacts are helped by "stylish actions", thanks to which Dante turns into a gunfighter (we shoot better), a mischief (smoother movement), sword master (melee) or guardsman (more important defense). It looks much better than it sounds, because we raise the standard with a sword, we shoot it in the air, take on Ebony & Ivory's paws, then change to Rebellion to jump to the opponent and end his wretched life with a Coyote shot. Little? No one can forget about the special skill that makes Dante turn into a real demon hunter and can literally crush the opponents he encounters.
In Devil May Cry 5 there is no shortage of crazy, effective and effective combos - this is the most powerful side of production, because we have not only received three different heroes, but each has its own style and these differences feel. From time to time, you need to control the cameraman, but the action revolves around the first mission. The title shows the greatest power, especially somewhere around 13-14 tasks, when the three heroes already have the right skills, and each subsequent fight is pure joy. At the same time, the Japanese have not forgotten about strong sounds that turn up the fun, encourage chopping and are a real crowning of well-made attacks.
The creators were able to accentuate the development of the character, because at the beginning each of the heroes is not especially mobile and does not have special blows, but it is enough to invest a bit of red orbs to be able to run, better to avoid attacks or just take advantage of more interesting moves. Dante, Nero and V have plenty of skills to unlock, and with normal gameplay there is no chance of getting all the content at the first attempt. The development option is really a lot, but most importantly - each purchased ability actually affects the capabilities of the hero.
I must praise one more thing - Devil May Cry 5 is another demonstration of Capcom's skills. The game literally shines on the Xbox One X, and during duels it's hard not to praise visual effects, cut demons or liquid 60 frames per second. The Japanese have done their homework, they have used the power of the American console and undoubtedly the latest part of this recognized series is a production that is looked upon with pleasure.

A good time to beat the demons
Devil May Cry 5 returns in an amazing form. The game does not look at the competition, it does not intend to change, and offers dynamic, satisfying and joyful gameplay. Three playable characters work well and I regret only one thing - this title definitely ends too soon. I am sure that the story may not take crowds, but most players will not pay attention to this element - in DMC the most important is the infernally dynamic and meaty game. The developers did not disappoint at this point, showing that Devil May Cry had been in the drawer for too long, because it was just for the production of nicks. Play! Hack! Crush!

+ Dynamic and effective action, | - The game ends simply too quickly, |
+ Three different heroes, | - The camera can go crazy; |
+ The creators in a few places are watching the fans, | |
+ A wide arsenal of attacks and weapons, | |
+ Fantastic setting, | |
+ Sound encourages chopping; |

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