I still have three copies of Club Nintendo, a free magazine you received via mail for joining the free fan club. Whether it was available outside the UK I don't know.
I also have a novelization of Super Silly Putty, given away with an issue of SNES Force.
I remember Club Nintendo, I used to look forward to receiving each issue. I also had couple of issues of Super Play and I remember getting Total and NMS more regularly. :)
In the US, we got Nintendo Fun Club News before Nintendo Power was a thing. It ran for 7 quarterly issues until Nintendo Power took its place. I've got 3 of the 7, one saved from my childhood and 2 that I stumbled across at an old used bookstore a few years ago.
Because we had a couple of different consoles, my magazine buying depended on what was in it, I did go through a phase of regularly getting Games Master, and later ONM (Official Nintendo Magazine) during the early days of the Wii. But I did also buy VCG, SNES Force, Sega Force, Official PlayStation Magazine (primarily for the demo discs) and plenty others I've forgotten the names of.
I also bought the first couple of issues of a short-lived mag, called Max Overload, which covered gaming in general and also featured comic strips based on Lemmings, Green Dog, Chuck Rock and Toejam and Earl..