My Take On Black Ops 4 (From what we know so far)

in #gaming7 years ago

Black Ops 4.jpg
Sup fellow Steemians! So by now everyone is probably familiar with the details that we got from the Black Ops 4 Reveal two weeks. Here I wanted to give you all what I think are going to be some of the best and worst aspects of the game based on what we learned from the reveal. I'm gonna cover each mode from Zombies first, to Blackout, to then Multiplayer and it is in that order since I am covering this from Best to Worst and in my view, Zombies has more going for it than the other modes (although that may be because I am admittedly more of a zombie player). So with all of that said, let's now dive right into the meat of the content.
Please Note(The views that are stated in this post are only of mine and do not represent the views of anyone else!)

Zombies: From what we saw in the reveal, the Zombies in Black Ops 4 (by far) looks to be one of the most promising aspects of the game as I didn't see many issues or concerns with what we saw in Zombies. So to bring up some of the good things that we know we will be getting in zombies is 1. 3 news maps at launch, which is new as we used to only get 1-2 genuinely new maps in the past with (in the case of BO2) smaller maps carved out of the main map, which was of course Transit. 2. Timed Events will be in the game in order to incentive people to continually play zombies, this comes off of the playbook of Fortnite to some extent as in that game, you can always expect some new mode or feature to be added every week so that may be what Treyarch is trying to get at. 3. I'm listing this zombie map on it's own because of course we know that the map 'Mob of the Dead' from Black Ops 2 is being remade as ...
Blood of the Dead.jpg
Blood Of The DEAD!

Blackout: So with Blackout, Treyarch is officially dipping their toes into the ever growing popular genre that is currently dominated by the likes of Fortnite and PUBG. While Blackout will of course be battle royale and in that sense, the gameplay will not be too different from Fortnite or PUBG, the developers made sure to note that this game mode was made "the Black Ops way" and will be implementing features from the series into the game mode in order to make it unique from the competition. Some great features that were noted in the reveal include 1. The Blackout Map will be the biggest yet for a COD game (and this isn't a surprise since Battle Royale maps tend to be HUGEEE) 2. All kinds of vehicles including land, sea, and air, which would give it a bit of uniqueness as other Battle Royale games such as PUBG only land vehicles 3. The mode will allow you to play as several well-known characters from both the past single player campaigns and Zombies such as Alex (THE NUMBERS) Mason, Woods, Reznov, and the OG Zombie characters (Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo, and Richtofen). Now out of the three modes, we by far know the least about Blackout as even small details about the mode such as how many players the mode will be able to support and whether or not the characters that will be in the mode have depth to them in the sense that they provide dialogue, or if they will be simply skins that play no different than the skins that you can get on Fortnite. We currently don't even have any kind of game play whatsoever of Blackout so we still have much to learn when it comes to the mode. Blackout.jpg This is the closest thing we have right now to 'gameplay'
All that being said, let's move on to the mode that me (and many others) are very mixed on, and that is of course, Multiplayer.

Multiplayer: I placed Multiplayer near the bottom of this post as you and I know, Multiplayer is by far the most divisive mode currently within the COD community since while there many that like the direction that Treyarch is trying to go with for the Black Ops 4, others (including myself) are not feeling the direction that they want to go. So to first discuss the the features that I ether feel positive or indifferent towards 1. Advanced movement is of course HISTORY as we found out in the reveal that the multiplayer will be entirely boots on the ground, it should be noted that mechanics from Black Ops 3 such as sliding and some of the abilities of the specialists (more on that in a moment) will be also be making a return but for the most part, the game will be... boots on the ground 2. As I slightly mentioned, Specialists and some of their abilities will be making a return to Black Ops 4 and while some others may not have liked the Specialists at all, I never minded them as they never really affected the games that I had in Black Ops 3 in any major way and the addition of them were not game-breaking, but tbh overall I just don't care much about Specialists .png This is a small Snapshot of the Multiplayer Reveal

  1. The weapons in the game will now have predictive recoil patterns which will help you to better master the recoil of guns much more than previous installments 4. Pick 10 will be returning and if you enjoyed this system of weapon customization from both Black ops 2 and 3, than this is a great positive.
    Of course with all of those positives and indifferences being mentioned, it is now important to mention the big central problem that me and many other COD fans are really disliking about the multiplayer so far and that is the decision to make the multiplayer Hero-Based. The idea of making the multiplayer may not sound like a bad idea at first since some of you may enjoy games like Overwatch, however this becomes a big problem when you consider that you are talking about Call Of Duty and everyone knows (unless you live under a rock) how most COD players play. Call of Duty at its heart is an Arcade Shooter type game where many people will just try to get kills and not really focus on their team as a whole. This is why game modes like TDM and Free For All are so popular as most just don't care about objective based modes... they just want the KILLS. Consider that on top of the fact that many players online don't even use their mics for productive reasons on multiplayer and we come onto a big problem come launch. Oh yeah and 6v6 is also getting dropped down to 5v5 and knowing how the game likes to place me with crap players, the multiplayer may not go well for me (thanks Vonderhaar).
    If you couldn't already tell, Multiplayer is very mixed for me from what we saw and over time it may seem to get better (or not), only time will tell. giphy.gif

If your reading up to this point, I greatly appreciate it and if you want to check the sources that I used for this post, they will be down below. My Social Plugs will also be down below for anyone that wants to check them out.

Thanks for reading and have a good rest of the day!


Black Ops 4 Reveal Videos:

Socials: Mixer: Twitter: Youtube: