I was in the same situation, do I buy it or not. I did indeed buy it but got a Refund through Steam. I was keen on the game but couldn't justify £26. So my suggestion would be, buy it on Steam and refund it if you do not enjoy it :)
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That's probably the best suggestion there is for folks on Steam. Rounds are usually around 20 minutes or less, so it should be east to get a feel for whether you like it or not before the 2 hour limit for refunds is reached
Yeah, that's a really good idea. Defiantly recommend you giving it ago for sure! Let me know what you think of it if you do end up getting it. I'm really interested to hear the opinions of others about this game, especially as it is one of my most played games recently
I picked it up yesterday. This game PUMPS YOU UP!!!! lol I'll definitely be keeping it. Add me on Steam, if you want to group up for some duo or squad matches (http://steamcommunity.com/id/AdHocToth/)
I'm glad to hear that you have been having fun!