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RE: How I Became a Gamer Part 2: The Original Console Wars

in #gaming8 years ago

Omg I loved this post! Also I can relate, one of my friends managed to break my DSi but handed it back to me without telling me so they made it look like I did it O__O No matter how shady that guy was, that was a pretty good bargain I wish they did more things like that these days :/
I sadly went straight to Nintendo DS and then worked my way back through some Game Boys so now I'm dying to get my hands on the older consoles like a GameCube, SNES etc.


Good News! They are bringing out a Snes Mini, a little machine preloaded with 21 games. Well it's being released in the UK at least which probably means America to. We can but hope!

Haha! Thankfully I live in the UK so I'll definitely be looking out for that! I was so bummed after I couldn't get my hands on the mini NES ;-;

Argos have them on Pre-Order ... 70 quid. Let me know if it's any good. We won't get one. My Hubby still has his original one :D

Have I been living under a rock or something :'D Thanks for the tip off!