Yeah, the surest way to keep from getting sacked is to upgrade your storage bins and keep channeling resources into your own buildings if possible. Who keeps hitting you?
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Yeah, the surest way to keep from getting sacked is to upgrade your storage bins and keep channeling resources into your own buildings if possible. Who keeps hitting you?
Beastmode from Piovra, Albertobaldini from Ld2 and Gungunkrishu from Cartel Beastmode is especially persistent. How in the God's name am I supposed to defend against literal hundreds of Super Bouncers?
Posted using Partiko Android
Yeah, it's not easy once somebody decides you're a good target and start wiping you regularly. Big Mamas, Gunmen, and Knifers are the best defense against people sending small hordes. You could also invest a crap-ton of resources into Hobos (they don't defend) and send a screaming horde of drunkards at them every so often just to eat some of their troops too.
Well this is honestly a Battletoads level of impossible. I know that these types of games are pay to win, but this is crazy..png)