Nearly everyone I know has been playing this lately! I haven't taken up arms against any of them yet; but I have to say, this reminds me of something.
I'm sure a cursory glance or two at dates and times will tell me which came first; H1Z1, or PUBG but I used to play the former. From what I've seen the play style is nearly identical, except for zombies (which could be turned off no problem). Parachute in, gather weapons on site, and try and murder your friends and enemies. That was the name of the game.
It even ended with a Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!
At the end of the day though, there's nothing new under the sun, so I'm glad you've found something that works for you; and I also have to admit, I'm inclined to get my hands on some PUBG at some point!
Until then happy hunting!
Damn, great research and background @monopolytile! That is pretty curious at the shared similarities... especially the end screen! Like you said, almost impossible to find anything original nowadays.
Regardless, hope to see you on there! PUBG it up! Thanks for the reply, I'll be following you!