Monster Hunter Weapon #3 : Dual Blades

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Dual Blades! One of my all time favorite weapon in the Monster Hunter series. The main points are pretty similar to Sword & Shield. They deal low raw damage, but make up for it in superb attack speed and combos, the weapons allow you to roll and even dash(during Demonization mode) makes them a very lethal choice of weapons.

However because they're so fast and attacks so often, you lose sharpness in the weapons really quickly as well. Just like the Sword & Shield the Dual Blades are perfect for elemental attacks. in fact some games have duo elemental blades so you have one element on each weapon. Isn't that awesome?! (I hope they are bringing some of these duo elements to MHW)

While you're using the weapon you can activate "Demonization mode" in this mode you hit faster, deal more damage per hit, resist wind pressure and even negate the flinch from some non-boss attacks. While you're in this mode you can activate the Demon's Dance combo.

Demon's Dance

  • Attacks will not bounce or deflect no matter how dull weapons are.
  • You become stationary slashing repeatedly in front of you.
  • Cannot move until combo ends.
  • Insanely powerful combo for elemental and Status attacks

Now there is a huge downside to Demonization Mode, while you have the mode activated you lose stamina really quickly. dodging(dash) while in this mode also cost more stamina. Once you run out of stamina Demonization Mode will automatically end leaving you out of breathe and vulnerable to attacks. You can also force the Demonization Mode to end by sheathing your weapon.

Great news is that there is a bypass to the stamina drain in previous Monster Hunter games and i wont be surprised to find it as I continue the game in Monster Hunter World. There are usually potions you can take that gives you infinite stamina for a X amount duration. (go nuts, demonization mode all day!)


  • The weapon has a large variety of attacks and combos that users can utilize in combat
  • Fast Attacks, movement, sheathing.
  • Great Elemental options (even Duo Elemental!)
  • Great weapon against fast moving monsters


  • Sharpness is nonexistent, You'll basically be fighting with 2 sticks after a few combos.
  • No way of guarding
  • Stamina decreases really fast without preparation in Demonization Mode
  • Poor damage in single hits. (damage is made up of multiple combo attacks)
  • Short weapon range, gotta be up and personal (giggity)
  • Can't move or cancel out of one of your most powerful attacks (Demon's Dance)

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If you missed the Sword & Shield post you can read it here -

You can read the next post on Long Swords here -