Monster Hunter Weapon #1 : Great Sword

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

So you're new to the Monster Hunter series and haven't figured out what kind of weapon you wanted yet. This is my short series explaining each weapon and their strengths and weaknesses.

Today we're going to talk about the Great Sword and what makes it so "great" besides how gigantic it is.

The weapon is an old classic throughout the monster hunter series, It's a powerful but slow weapon that deals massive amount of damage, and thanks to it's size it can be great for clearing out small annoying monsters in one big horizontal cleave. On top of the great damage you can deal you can amplify it with a charge attack to deal multiple times of the original attack damage.

You're also given the ability to use the sword as a shield to block attacks(R2) as well. Not a lot of weapons in the monster hunter series give you the ability to block and negate damage. Usually only weapons with a shield have that can do that, Great sword is the only exception to this.


  • Extremely High Damage
  • Charge Attack
  • Wide Range
  • Ability to Block Attacks
  • Sharpness lasts a while
  • Can slash off a tail (something you can't do as a Hammer user)


  • Slow Attack Speed, Movement, Evasion
  • Slow to sheathe weapon
  • Requires lots of practice to master
  • Blocks reduces Stamina & Sharpness
  • Requires great timing to land powerful attacks

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I hope this post was helpful for new hunters who wants to pick up the great sword as their main weapon.
Leave any comment and questions, i'd love to hear what you guys have to say.
Follow me for more Monster Hunter weapon talks!

Read about Shield & Swords here -