Hello steemian!! Good afternoon steemian wherever you are, hopefully healthy always and always in God's grace. Met back with @muhammadarsyad, I'll be back to review games with the same type. On Sunday afternoon I will discuss reviews of games that seized the attention of the crowd in 2016 with the genre that he bring IE Tower Survived and the title game Plants vs. Zombies-Garden Warfare. Want to know what sort of reviews that I will discuss? Let's look carefully steemian?

An extreme change that surprisingly enough, this one sentence seems to be directed at the flagship franchise of PopCap Games – Plants vs. Zombies. Featured as one of the themed puzzle game phenomenal who managed to carve out the hundreds of millions the number of downloads on the mobile device, Plants vs. Zombies manages to create a casual and core gamers hooked via a mechanical gameplay the fun, simple, but still challenging at the same time. Amid the anticipation of the presence of both series a few months ago, PopCap thus comes with a shock that cannot be predicted in advance. Become a kind of parody for most of the war-themed games that are distributed in the market, Plants vs. Zombies get the series a more "serious" – Garden Warfare. Was released first for the Xbox One, and finally released for PC, you who read our earlier preview of course already had a bit of an idea of what the game has to offer on this one. With the power of the engine object EA – Frostbitten Engine 3.0, Garden Warfare to revive a classic war between the House of plants and zombies into a three-dimensional model that is full of details and of course the mechanics of gameplay is far different from that during the This we know. By making the multiplayer experience as the only selling points on offer, the Garden path similar to traverse a Warfare Titanfall, another EA game series.

Thus what is actually offered by the Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare? Why do we refer to this as a game created to just have some fun? This review will discuss it more in it for you. If there's one thing that deserves to thumbs up from Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare is the success of the PopCap to maximize Frostbitten 3.0 Engine, engine that is attached with the name of the Battlefield with highly optimized. The engine has always been associated with efforts to achieve a more realistic visual quality or large scale destruction proved able to act as engines for games with different themes and genres. In addition to the Need for Speed: Rivals, Garden Warfare became the potential evidentiary event, as well as a guarantee that the assurance that future projects such as EA'S mirror's Edge 2 and Dragon Age: the Inquisition was in the right hands. From a game that was once a simple two dimensional visualization offering with a pretty good animation, bringing classic battle Warfare Garden two camps into unique three-dimensional models in full. And the result? Amazing! He managed to offer a world wide not only for facilitating the mobility of each user in the battle that ensued was quick and massive, but also maintains the atmosphere of the Plants vs. Zombies that are perceptible. With a design environment that is more impressed the cartoon still with detail and color game for the thumbs up, you'll also find character models are nothing short of amazing. For a process of adaptation of a two dimensional game into three dimensions, this Garden Warfare executing very well.

We are not just talking about the model of the character design or just the environment, but also the wide variety of visual effects that also you will get. Various unique visual effects made battle feels more epic, with pieces strewn here and there when you throw a big attack, or just the lighting effects make the environment look increasingly ciamik. For visual Affairs, PopCap successfully adapted the visual that is not only beautiful, but supports strong main theme of Plants vs. Zombies as we know it. Positive effects? A running transition with minimal obstruction. A game based on the multiplayer experience, the concept of this one seems to be a new trend in the middle of the gaming industry. Focus more on the epic battles that occur through the interaction between players in real-time, the formula on this one proved to be successfully boosting Titanfall as a new IP with a level of popularity and performance of a pretty fantastic sales months of the beginning of 2014. He also was the spearhead for the same – Evolve based games that also holds a myriad of awards, including the best game on the giant E3 event 2014 yesterday and became one of the game's a pretty anticipated this year. But the question now, the same formula be capable of identity that fit for "a new form of" Plants vs. Zombies? If you are looking for is a game that simply offers a pleasant experience, the Garden will give the dose of Warfare is more than enough.
Like most of the other multiplayer based games, battle of course runs between the two warring camps, regardless of background or whether clearly or reason underlying this dispute. At the Garden, you'll get Warfare role as Plants as well as Zombies, each of it offers diversification of classes that automatically embed a unique role in the battle. But unlike the Battlefield or Titanfall that offer a similar class variations regardless of any camps you select, make sure that the Garden Warfare style of playyou when acting as a Zombie or Plants are two experiences berbebda. And it's what makes Garden Warfare appear attractive.

Instead of appearing as a class the same only different skin, good Plants as well as Zombies shows clearly that they are two different entities with unique appeal. Classes are offered each of the groups is different from the others, demanded the adaptation style of play. As an example? The leading troops of Plants – a Peashooter and Zombies – Foot Soldier, regardless of the primary role to break down enemy defence lines, should be played with two different styles. Foot Soldiers wielding machine gun offers a faster attack effects and higher mobility, while relying on the splash damage ability Peashooter with greater levels of damage. Not to mention Plants have Chomper around – class-based melee that is capable of killing instantly at close quarters, something that is not owned by the Zombies. But calm, Zombies also have class Scientist who is able to do telepor to move fast from one place to anotheror simply save yourself when needed, something that is not owned by the Plants.

The two entities are different, the two variations of the different classes, two styles of play are also different. Balancing capable, indeed deserves applause directed to PopCap as developer. Because regardless of the variations of the two camps attendclass with the uniqueness of each, each class is also armed with three different skill that can be triggered as you wish, by making the cooldown As the only barrier. With diversification, the Foundation of the Garden multiplayer Warfare is formed automatically and run solid. The only way to win the battle against the stronghold but ensure that cooperation between qualified diverse walks of the selected class and of course – ignore the ego.
Why? Because in the end, the synergy of different strength-different is what will be the key to victory. Fastness Plants that appear so aggressively by merely resting on Peashooter or Cactus will fall apart if no the Sunflower – the healer who should provide support in the sprightly line of the back. Zombies that focuses on intensive attack waves will also fall apart if without Engineer for example, as the only key to ensure the flow of attacks endured consistent via portal that he woke up. Acted according to their respective task into something very essential here. Or you lazy play actively? You can access the Boss mode ala Commander Mode on the Battlefield and serve as commander who launched a series of reinforcements into the battle field. One thing that is unique, regardless of the variety of standard classes that could be carried, PvZ: Garden Warfare also offers a variation of the class that is also reinforced with certain elements, such as poison, fire, or ice to give the slight variations in the battle.
Carrying the style of play and attacks the default class style, class elements are also getting these different names, usually carrying extra abilities than just physical attacks. Elements such as fire or poison will give the effect of damage, while the ice, such as ROLE-PLAYING games, usually makes the movement of the object of the attack to be slow or even freeze. But as compensation, the damage that he could earn far less than the attacks leveled by the standard class. Pvz: Garden Warfare itself offers several different game modes, regardless of the name he bore, in fact the critical limits stretcher mechanical standard an multiplayer games that will feel familiar. There are Team Vanquish, a Deathmatch-style match that will sue you to "root out" one another until it reaches a certain number. Points earned will be the ex if the enemy killed turned out to be revived by another friend. Of all the existing mode, the main charm of PvZ: Garden Warfare lies in the Graveyards & Gardens mode so far, has never failed to offer gameplay that runs epic and intense, which relies heavily on teamwork and results that are difficult to predicted. The core objective-based had engineer, where you must capture in beruntut until you reach the objective end of the displayed variable.

The zombies become team attackers, while the Plants survive. Pull it again? This mode is always present with its own ending simply invite a smile, regardless of whether the team Zombies succeeds or fails accomplish all objectives. While to You that is more pleased with the cooperative mode: PvZ, Garden Warfare also provides the opportunity to enjoy it. The mission itself is very simple, demanding You to fight and protect your main Park from the Zombies that come in waves. At some point a certain wave variation, Zombies that appear will be stronger in accordance with the final results of the slot machine that rotates randomly. Some iconic Zombies that appear on Plants vs. Zombies classic designed, with a unique movement that is now the ability to attack their respective unique. Rather than an all-out fight against another player, this cooperative mode feels less intes and interesting.
Thus, of all which he offered above, why we call PvZ: Garden Warfare as a game that just fun? Because basically, for that is what he created. We are not just talking about the world of design, character, or his own gameplay, but the fact that there is nocompetitive element visible there. There is no recoil system or long-term strategy that you should worry about. Battle of running fast and frontal attacks, trying to throw as fast and as effectively as possible, that's all. With all the elements that it can offer, it is clear that PvZ: Garden Warfare is indeed intended to offer an experience that is more likely to be just fun, rather than competitive. No weights, just laughter.How many of you are already sick of hearing the word "Micro-transactions" until now? Apart from the fact that you buy a full priced games, the developer seems to have never felt awkward to inject a mechanism that allows players with extra money to achieve the progress that you strive for as long as months instantly.
This system is also applied in PvZ: Garden Warfare, but it was not until leaving feeling "tercurangi". The opportunity to buy in-game currency for real money has no effect on the course of the battle. Why? Because regardless of a series of cosmetic items that can be obtained, the opportunity to unlock new characters also runs random. Furthermore, you still get to enjoy all these things without spending a penny. For each battle you win, you will get some money silver coin as a reward. Its main function? Of course to buy up various sticker pack which is available via the menu shop in the main menu. Prices vary, each pack will contain two main types of items – variation of cosmetic items that can be used by different classes or separate part-part need You complete to unlock new characters. For those of you who are more chasing a new rightmost character, PopCap also provides one specific valuable pack is more expensive to accommodate those needs. The bad news? All you get is going to present in random.
Despite the micro-transaction ensures a more "fair", random loot is also thus making PvZ: Garden Warfare lost one essential truth in a multiplayer game, a sense of purpose. Have fun from one battlefield or one mode to the other mode it was fun in the beginning, but you play it feels empty because no one really thinks of you and goin addition to the amount of coins silver coins at the end of the battle. Games such as Battlefield or Titanfall offers a level of weapons that you can open when the reached level of certain classes, something that the PopCap forgotten here. The result? When you are so keen to use one unique class recently, you have no media to specifically pursue and open class. That you can do is to buy more valuable pack 40,000coins silver continuously, until he offers what you want. It's a pity.

Initial release date: July 9, 2016
Developer: PopCap Games
Genre: Tower defense
Designer: Jeremy Vanhoozer, David Paul
Award: Spike TV Video Game Award for Best Mobile/Handheld Games
Platform: Android, iOS

So that I can pass on to Sunday afternoon, hopefully with this I hope to be sharing that have yet to play this game. As for my opinion on this game is still interesting to play because it has features and visuals for despite having a story line that is not interesting to me, and also this game can also be finished with a time of right 2-3 days only if you the focus in the play. May be useful and once again could provide a useful game reference.

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