What i want to see in for Overwatch in 2018!

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Hello guys , 2017 has been a great year for Overwatch with the release of some great new heroes like Doomfist and Moira.

moira doomfist.jpg

We have had some nice seasonal events , which even brought back the legendary Lucio-Ball game mode. Also we've had the world cup this year which was won by South-Korea (surprise, surprise) :D


Now i'm really looking forward to 2018 and what new heroes , maps and game concepts Blizzard will bring to the table.But my curiosity will not be tested for long as Blizzard has announced they will release a new map called Blizzard world. It's a very cool looking map with ideas inspired from various other Blizzard titles such as World of Warcraft, StarCraft and Diablo. I love the theme park idea and i cant wait to play it!

Here u can see the trailer for the new map.

Here are also the new skins Blizzard has announced:

Immortal Orissa


Magni Bronzebeard Torbjorn


Nova Widowmaker


Blackhand Doomfist


Barbarian Zarya


Butcher Roadhog


Crusader Reinhardt


Ecopoint Mei


My favorite has to be hands down the Blackhand Doomfist. He looks a bit like Kratos from God of War . Badass !


Just a few days away from the Blizzard World map release. The new emotes and skins look great so far.