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RE: Interesting People #16: Louis Castle on over 30 years of making videogames

in #gaming8 years ago

Wow! Louis Castle has worked on some amazing titles.. had no idea. I was a massive fan of C&C. Many a long night up playing that game and recently playing again - emulated on Windows 10.

Did you interview him yourself? That's incredible!!!!!

As a side note, I found one of your comments on @curie and clicked on you to check out some of your work. I'm liking what you've got! And I'm glad I took the time to have a look outside the walls of my own blog. I spend MUCH more time contributing than I do curating and its terrific to know people like @curie and curators spend the time to find high grade work.

Hope to read more of your writing soon.

All the best,


Wow, that's high praise! Thank you very much!

Yes all the content I've posted is my own work, with all interviews conducted myself. :) It's a lot of fun.

I hear what you say about time spent contributing your own content vs checking out other people's stuff - one can get tangled up in one's own blog here, regularly refreshing the browser window to check for new replies or new upvotes...

You know, you should really come to PALNet and join #teamaustralia - it's a good community. Come say hi. :)