This is a list of my TOP 7 CS:GO youtuber
7: Nomicro4u
He mostly makes weapon related videos and they are very entertaining.
Sadly he only uploads them quiet rarely; still a deserved place 7!
6: NadeKing
He 95% only uploads nade tutorials (like his name might show ^^), and they are most of the time very helpful
and you always will learn new stuff from him.
5: HS Top
One of the bigger channels,
You can find many tutorials and other CS:GO related stuff here.
Always helpfull and entertaining.
Very weird name huh ?
He mostly makes funny montages but when he tryhards he is a incredible good
player and recently even made his first E-sport experience.
Definetly worth a look.
3: 3kliksphilip
this guy has been around since 10 Years and providing us with quality CS content;
He makes Videos about all kinda stuff in, and around the game/community .
He also have Tutorials for map-making,
check him out.
2: TheWarOwl
The legendary Owl, also a long term member of this list, is making many different typs of Videos;
From Tutorials to soloQ is everything in.
1: TrilluXe
The top of the List!
Simmelar to Warowl he makes Tutorials, where he is often finding new ideas, spotts and boosts and
"normal" Stream highlights and fun videos, if you are German i also can recommend his stream!
Thanks for reading, if you enjoyed leafe a thumb up.