Hello Steemians, this time I bring you a very funny champion a little like Harley Quinn to the girlfriend of the joker in Batman that by the way should get a skin on her, this champion is fascinating both to have fun and to make a good role in the team. I hope you like my review of Jinx!
League of Legends is one of the most famous video games in the last decade in the community of players and seen by millions of fans in eSports on platforms like Twitch, mainly in countries like South Korea where there are more active players. characterized by being a free video game.
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LoL a MOBA type game developed by Riot Games. In this game the players will face each other splitting into two teams of three or five players each depending on the game mode. Before each game, the player will choose a champion with which they will play the full game, this champion will be able to raise his level during the game and his statistics can be improved by means of items. The game begins when all the players of each team appear in their base called Nexus, with the objective of the game being to destroy the opposite Nexus.
Each champion has a specific role and an exit lane and they are; Tank | Wrestler - Top, Jungle - Jg, Wizard | Assassin - Mid and Shooter | Support - Adc / Sup the champions must focus on killing the AI controlled subjects to obtain gold and experience.
The League of Legends World Championship has become an annual elite tournament where the best players worldwide compete since 2011, playing in countries like Sweden, the United States, South Korea, Germany with an even more impressive prize of $ 1,000,000 and reaching audience record of 60 million people. In addition to the 100 million active players according to 2006 figures.
Jinx lives to cause chaos without stopping to think about the consequences, always leaving a trail of panic and destruction behind him. Impulsive and maniacal offender, boredom is what he hates most in this life, and frees at will all the chaos he can in what is for her the most monotonous place in the world: Pilover. With an arsenal of lethal toys at your disposal, unleash the brightest explosions and the noisiest outbursts; What is needed to surprise the unfortunate authorities. Always outside the reach of the law, the favorite game of Jinx is to play with the best of Piltóver, especially with Vi.

Pilover was known as the City of Progress, the champion of peace and order. That peace was compromised with the arrival of a new class of delinquent that had not been seen to date. This mysterious outlaw caused severe destruction in the most destructive manner, which endangered the entire city and left the inhabitants frightened by the worst wave of crimes in the history of Pilover.
As the city sank into a criminal frenzy without meaning or reason, sightings of the offender began to happen. Although the origin of the girl was unknown, there were people who warned Pilate's hextech technology in their weapons; many others recognized Zaun's clothes that he wore. Since her arrival was always a problem, those who crossed paths with her soon found her an apt name: Jinx.
The destruction caused by Jinx's misdeeds kept increasing, and the response of Caitlyn, the sheriff of Pilover, did not wait: declared a state of emergency and organized a hunt throughout the city. Jinx, faithful to his style, made the most secure building in the city, Pilover's treasury, a direct challenge to his most unpleasant officer. With the carving of Vi's face decorating the entire façade and the date and time of the alleged assault, Jinx was openly challenging her to try to avoid theft.

Determined to put the brawler behind bars, Vi mounted guard next to the treasury waiting for the time agreed by Jinx. True to the promise he had scribbled, the smiling threat made its appearance. I saw her chasing her inside the building, knowing it was her chance to capture the outlaw. He went through wall after wall trying to catch Jinx, who kept laughing at him as he slowly set fire to the empty treasury with a series of fierce explosions. Finally, Vi managed to corner her inside the chamber, but Jinx kept an ace up her sleeve: laughing like an insane woman, she fired a rocket fire that knocked the whole building down on both of them.
When Vi, bruised, managed to crawl out of the ruins, she found no sign of Jinx. To add more salt to the wound, not one of the gold ingots in the shattered chamber was missing. Instead, the offender left a farewell message to her favorite officer of the law, a challenge that had become visible on the horizon of Pilover. The lights of the city gave shape to a taunt as simple as it is eloquent: you will never be able to catch me. While Vi read the message, he listened to the distant laughter of his new nemesis, and the whole city fell, for the first time, into a deep darkness.




Jinx is a carry par excellence, as it has one of the highest single target DPS in the game. His early game is weak however it is increasing for the middle game, as the late game is not very good, since his bad games are plentiful and he does not have the best tools to survive ganks. Fortunately, she rewards the player tremendously for overcoming these weaknesses, so if you can dominate Jinx, you can be sure that it will be worth it.
Jinx's passive ability is great because every time he inflicts damage on an enemy his speed of movement and attack speed increase. But when it kills and destroys a turret or an inhibitor within the next 3 seconds it gains an additional speed bonus of movement for 6 seconds.

Jinx can change weapons and choose between its Pum-Pum machine gun whose basic attacks provide an attack speed of 15 to 65% during the next 2.5 seconds which can be accumulated up to 3 times. It is important to note that when switching between weapons the bonuses are not lost. Its other weapon is a shellfish fighter launcher whose damage is 110% to enemies and less damage to nearby enemies this weapon also grants an attack speed that scales by 25%. This ability has no reuse so you can change weapons as many times as you want, but it costs 20 mana points.
Pum-Pum, the Machine Gun

Caramel, the Rocket Launcher

Jinx's second ability activated with the "W" key uses his ray gun in a linear fashion to inflict 10 to 210 damage and reduce the movement speed to the first enemy hit by 30 to 70% for 2 seconds. This ability has a reuse of 10 to 6 seconds depending on the level of Jinx.

Jinx throws 3 stun grenades to the ground that after 5 seconds explode and affect nearby enemies. If an enemy steps on the grenade it will be immobilized for 1.5 seconds and will cause them magical damage of 70 to 270 points. This ability is activated with the "E" key and has a reuse of 24 to 16 seconds depending on the level of Jinx.

Jinx's special ability is amazing since it shoots a super rocket with the "R" key whose rocket can cross the entire map and its damage is increased as it advances that when hitting an enemy champion inflicts a damage of 125 to 450 points and will greatly affect the enemies close to the explosion. In addition, it increases the damage if the enemy champion lacks life for that moment in 25 to 35% additional damage. This ability has a reuse of 90 to 60 seconds depending on the level.

I love playing with Jinx, which is very fun to use and her animations and gestures characterize her as a flamboyant champion who can also do a lot of damage to the opposing team, I love Jinx's passive since killing or helping an enemy champion grants you a speed bonus of movement and attack which works either to attack or to pursue the enemy.
The use of your Minigun is your main source of damage since it is incredibly powerful. Also, when the 3 charges are accumulated, your attack speed increases considerably. Use of your rockets must be used with care since each shot will consume 20 points. mana and if you use it regularly your mana will drain in a matter of seconds and therefore you will be at a disadvantage.
However, it is good to use 3 shots of their rockets as they deal damage to all enemies near the explosion, especially to push the lane or kill the enemy champions. In addition to having a fast attack speed, Jinx can also hold enemies either by their grenade on the ground which causes great damage and immobilizes the enemies or by their beam that with great distance can reduce the speed of movement to the enemy. of causing great damage.
His special ability is of global help to the team that begins to increase its speed as it approaches the head of its unsuspecting victim. There is nothing that a Rememortal Remembrance Superhero! can not do, either knock out an entire team that has a low life during an early fight by the Baron, from the other side of the map, or to kill a retiring rival to score a second extra murder. If he is a champion and he is still alive, the definitive one of Jinx can reach him when he is.
- Speed of attacks that can escalate when using your skills.
- Good harassment to enemy.
- Use of mana for your reduced skills.
- Good area damage in the team fight.
- Special skill that can help in the other lanes.
- You can immobilize the enemy with your grenades.
- Strong against champions like; Caitlyn, Ashe, Twitch, Tristana and Kog'Maw.
- Objective of the opposing team, besides being fragile.
- Does not have escape ability.
- His movement speed is slow without his passive ability.
- Weak against champions like; Ezreal, Corki, Sirvir, Varus, Draven and Quinn.
- Jinx's dance refers to Jake from Adventure Time.
- A side by side comparison can be seen here.
- CaitlynSquare C (aka your nemesis) JinxSquare X, and ViSquare VI are Roman numerals that coincidentally form CXVI (116) the 'launch number' of Jinx.
- Super Mega Death Rocket! Super Mega Death Rocket! The explosion radius shows a smiley face on impact.
- Get excited! Get excited! also shows a smiling face on Jinx after activation.
- Jinx is the first champion whose laugh animation is repeated automatically, as well as the only one who currently has a login screen for all his masks.
- Jinx's braids (her scarf in Mafia) form a heart when she dies.
- As long as Jinx is on the opposing team, Vi and / or Caitlyn wins each one. Catch me if you can! cosmetic damage.
- The production name of Jinx was 'Psycho Arsenal'.
- Before his revelation, Robert 'Ransom' described Jinx's personality as 'unique' and his hair color as 'only one SonaSquare single champion has'.
- Katie 'TeaTime' De Sousa stated that Jinx was inspired by the Joker, Gollum from Lord of the Rings and Helena Bonham Carter.
- Jinx first appeared during Pool Party 2013 (Her head can barely be seen next to RenektonSquare Pool Party Renekton [S | L] in GravesSquare Pool Party Graves [S | L] 'artwork, and the corresponding login screen in that moment was drawn from his first person view).
- Jinx directly means "bad omen", from the pre-Greek name ἴυγξ iynx "eurasian carmine", a bird that is often used as an amulet.
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Wow, I must say that these are some of the best work I've ever done in DeviantArt, an applause for all those artists who dedicate their valuable time and many hours to create these amazing works of art.
Author – MagicnaAnavi

Author – Liang-Xing

Author – Eddy-Shinjuku

Author – alexnegrea

Author – GranitGrey

Author – sakimichan

To finish, it is a bit difficult to use however with practice this champion can reward you with his great performance in the game. The use of your mana can be one of the main problems you should be careful when using your missile launcher. In another aspect your special ability can save you from many problems or from killing an enemy champion when they escape. I hope you liked my review about Jinx!
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Nice one! I'm just starting to focus on bot lane and it is definitely a world of difference compared to top lane haha! Keep it up.
hahahaha clear, in the bot lane there must be a solid communication with the support for the bot lane to work. In many cases it is not as simple as it seems. Thank you
Excellent review