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RE: STEEMIT - What's your WORST System EVER?!

in #gaming7 years ago

I did like the 3DO. Of course I did not own one back when it was new. It was of course far to expensive for me.
But later I did buy a Goldstar 3DO for 50 Euro or so. Beside the Playstation (what my brother did own, I have had a Sega Saturn) the 3DO was the only console you could play Wing Commander on your TV. How awesome.
And Road Rash looked so realistic. Compare it to the Mega Drive version (which I did own).
The 3DO had a lot of FPS games. Back then I kept all game magazines with reviews from 3DO games. The graphic . Sadly the Price was to hight.

My pick for the worst system ever - at least till now, is by salenumbers the most succesfull console ever, the Sony Playstation 2.
I still own the fat one, but hell, there is no game appealing to me. I own four games for it. Singstar, Eyetoy, Kingdom Hearts and of course GTA San Andreas.
The controllpad is so tiny and for me unconfortable to hold too.
Nope, I don't like the Playstation 2.