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RE: Zombie Adventure - Game 14 - Day 17 (Feb. 12, 2018)

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

In zombie movies, right around this time the least trustworthy team member double crosses the rest, claims the food for him/herself and then goes on to get 90% of the team killed by letting the zombies inside. After all, the real villains in zombie movies are humans, not zombies.

So... with that being said. Anybody want to dispute my claim to all of the food?! * sharpens axe*


I will take the rifle and shoot you if possible:-)bomm3.jpg

Player 11 looks at his wounds and desperately tosses on of his Molotov Cocktails into the crowd... OH OHHHHHHHH!!!!! See the picture above? Yea... that!


I'm out of internet for 2 days and everything goes crazy... I literally couldn't be happier!

You can't shoot a ranged weapon if you're in the same square as I am!
But I can use my large menacing axe in close combat....

Then i dont want to attack :-(

It is too late!!! Everybody's on edge! in this zombie apocalypse who can you really trust?! It's everyone for themselves! This food is mine! I am now this game's villain! Rawr!

Who's with me?! @pbock?! @justatouchfey?! C'mon, these other people are zombie-fodder! They'll never make it anyway, they're already as good as dead! We may as well take their food and ensure our own survival! I need just one or two allies, and we can take on the rest of the team and claim our Rice spoils of war!!!!

I attack player 11 with my axe, and crazy bloodlust!! And hope for support from somebody. Then I proceed to attack everybody else who doesn't support my coup!!!!

This is now a real zombie apocalypse!! Including last minute plot twist!!

Roll 3= Miss against P11. LOOK OUT FOR YOUR BACK NOW!!!

Roll again! and again! I've got a bad case of the apocalyptic fever!!

Roll 4 = success. Damage P11 by 2 points.

U little shit:-)

Probably not, but it's all in good fun anyway!Haha I don't know if @happyme will even let us fight eachother :)

Sorry it was offline for a couple of hours while we were driving.


Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 1.