Player 1: Ok, I want to chop down the door... but I am not sure I should yet? Any thoughts on this, guys?
Player 4 is on my square but has only a bat.
Should I shoot the walker north first, and then chop down the door? Or just shoot the walker and not chop down the door.. I get the feeling we're not well positioned yet if a ton of zombies are behind the door.. I do have a molotov I could throw in right after chopping down the door to insta-kill whatever is inside.
In any case, my first action will be to shoot the walker to the north.
Let's see if I hit first. If I miss, I won't be chopping down the door anyway yet, but instead fire again at it
There will NEVER be a ton of zombies behind a newly-opened door UNLESS you are inside a building and the zombies are outside trying to get IN. They can congregate on the other side of closed doors, but for newly-opened buildings, there is just ONE dice roll per room, so a maximum of one zombie per room.
Alright good to know.
But first I will still shoot at the walker north of me until it's dead!
Player 1 (2)
(How terrible!)
Such terribleness :(
Oh well, atleast the decision on whether or not to chop down the door has been made for me!
I think, you should chop it down first.
You got allies with you to provide backup :)