Ajax is one of my favorite specialists to use right now. I hope he actually does get nerfed eventually though becuase his shield is slightly overpowered. I realize that it is a specialist weapon and it should be a little overpowered, but in my opinion the other specialist equipment, and weapons should be able to counter him at least a little bit.
The best game mode to use Ajax in would by far be control, hardpoint or domination. Both of his abilities are suited for taking out people when they are clustered together. The flash bang is a great thing to use when enemies are in a close proximity because there is nothing they can do, except for randomly hip-firing and trying to hit you.
The Shield is the #1 specialist weapon in the game. It is so hard to break it if you are right in front of it. None of the specialist weapons can do much against it unless you are behind them. You can even block nomad's dog and tempest shots. You are vulnerable to purifier's radiating ability though, which is one of the best counters.
May the lord bless you all!
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