Welcome! to HIVEQuest a play-by-post RPG game
HIVEQuest is an ongoing and growing RPG world. New Players are always welcome. Players can come and go as they desire, just let us know when you are leaving (say you are taking an IRL 2 week vacation) we will make sure your character is somewhere safe until you return (or Thunk may just cover you with leaves on the side of the road).
If you are new and want to join just reply to any active post with a character's info. Use this quick start guide to quickly get going.
Players often need a quick reminder of how to's. Here are some quick reference links to help you on your adventures.
Current rules: are being updated as we go.
Character cards showing all your bright and shiny stuff:
Monster cards show stats of your foes:
Link to one of our newest skills crafting:
Here is a link to the spreadsheet showing what items current party members have. This is manually kept up by me and if you see errors please let me know OOC (Out of character). Eventually this will be automated, but perfecting code takes time.
Our current party is:
I will be posting a new turn every 48 hours during role playing rules to give players time to interact.
To help speed up Quests during Questing rules I will post when everyone is done with their actions. Sometimes this is less than 48 hours.
@sidekickmatt - Character Quaid
@badpupper - Character: Chingus McBingus, a dwarf
-@wren1221 - Character Thunk, a Thunk
-@mickvir - Character, Frienmir, a dwarf
@btristen - Character btristen, a Human
Now that things have slowed down on Holybread. (fixing Bugs!) I am back on getting a more consistent schedule of Hivequest posts going. I am also doing back-end bot coding.
You will be seeing updates to Hivequest over the next 2 weeks.
I am working on a website so you can see your Inventory and do trades with other players.
Now into the turn.....
As the party slowly heads down the hallways searching for any clues they here footsteps.
At the end of the hallway a skeleton shambles forward.
Chingus notices the skeleton and scratches his head, "Hail stranger, you the talking type?"
Chingus uses his Languages skill to try and speak to the skeleton.
You pick up 1D20 and roll a 11
You don't quite understand all the bone noises but you are certain it is talking to itself.
Upon hearing footsteps ahead of the party Frienmir holds up a hand to warn the party of the danger ahead , stops and listens whilst searching the tunnel ahead for the source. !search
So the tunnel looks dark.
You search the surrounding area and you find Tunnel
A side tunnel leading to where?
*Frienmir sees a tunnel whilst taking in his surroundings. But filled with rage he charges the skeleton.
Frienmir does not even notice Chingus’s attempt to communicate with the skeleton, such is his hatred of undead.
You swing your weapon with a roll of 16