Elder Scrolls Online - Summerset impressions

in #gaming7 years ago

Summerset is the latest expansion to the Elder Scrolls Online MMO game. I've been spending some of my time there, taking plenty of screenshots and I'll use those now to give you a good impression of the new area.


First of all, all of these images are ingame screenshots taken by me. I can say many things about this game, not all of which are positive, but the thing that stands out most is its looks. The game has amazing graphics.


The Summerset expansion gives us the new Summerset area, which is home to the high elves. It shows us majestic buildings and ever blooming trees.


This is my favorite ESO environment yet. I love this style of buildings and nature.


I haven't explored the cities a lot yet, because I keep sticking to our very first city. It's where I know my way around. Still, these new cities are quite cool too.


I love the brightness of the buildings. Sure, I enjoy some doom and gloom once in a while, but I still prefer this!


This was the amazing few we were treated to yesterday when finishing up a public dungeon:


So even with its (in my eyes) flaws, ESO at the very least treats you to beautiful landscapes and Summerset is a great addition to this!

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That looks absolutely gorgeous. Kinda makes me wanna go back and give ESO an honest try.

For the graphics, you definitely should! For the gameplay, it depends on who you ask, me or my fiance. It is definitely an elder scrolls game, including some bugs or annoying gameplay features. I might bundle them into a post some day if I get a clear moment!

it does look gorgeous. its been few years since i played, i had a high elf sorc as my main that might appreciate taking her to this area.

Sounds like the place for her indeed!

The images are so amazing and colourful....i love em to the core

There needs to be a single player variant of this! The architectural style lends itself really well to the engine, and the lighting is done incredibly well.

It'll be a while until I get back to buying new games, but hopefully TES VI has something along these lines.

Reminds me of how awe struck I was seeing Gabriel Night screenshots in the late 90s.

ESO moet ik ook echt weer eens bezoeken, samen met mijn vriendin ff achter de Playstation's!! In het begin viel het ons wat tegen, toen zaten we nog helemaal in de skyrim flow haha.

Het nadeel van ESO vind ik dat er toch nog wat kleine, maar vervelende bugs zijn. Daarnaast mis ik heel erg een globale auction house om mijn spulletjes te verkopen. Het trekt mij eigenlijk niet genoeg om er maandelijks geld voor neer te blijven leggen, maar de gratis versie geeft erg snel bag- en bankspace problemen :-(