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RE: The Future of World of Warcraft & Blizzard

in #gaming8 years ago

I've been playing WoW on and off for a while now, after some serious raiding times back in TBC and WotLK. It's easier to stay away from it now, though it is still such an awesome game when I do play. There is just so much to do! I really enjoyed playing Legion for a while.

The other Blizzard games though, I have never played. Sure, I played Hearthstone for a while, but that's about it. I am curious to see what else they can bring us, besides their current titles.


Same here regarding the Legion point, i liked it to, but nothing can compare to vanilla-wow. Oh the glory of the raiding times in TBC... Sitting for hours with dozens of random other people around the world to take down massive mythological monster bosses and get that epic loot to complete the tier set!!! God damn it i need a time machine...

Aww I'm sad I missed those times! I only joined in TBC, which is where I started pretty hardcore raiding to climb up to one of the server's best guilds. In WotLK I switched over to horde though and joined a guild filled with awesome people, so I had my best raiding times during that particular expansion. After that, I simply didn't have the time for serious raiding anymore, so the game slowly died out for me.

Aren't there some vanilla illegal servers out there for those that miss the glory days?