5 Devastating Video Game Weapons

in #gaming8 years ago (edited)

Video games have always had super powered weapons and crazy abilities. Sometimes it's kind of like they are straight out of a Micheal Bay film. They have massive firepower and are even capable of slicing skyscrapers in half with a blunt edge. (An up-vote to whichever comment knows where that's from first.) Through out gaming history there have been many of these kinds of weapons, but here is a list of some of the best (and bada**) ones. To be clear, only holdable weapons are included in this list. Weapons such as Halo are disqualified.


5. The Bow of Light
This is a bow that makes multiple appearances inThe Legend of Zelda series. The most recent appearance is in the game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. (I admit that I prefer the version in Twilight Princess.) This weapon is a bow made of pure light, usually wielded by Princess Zelda. It is a bow that is capable of blowing back the purest darkness and is always displayed in the prophecy.

While it does do okay damage in its most recent form it is shown not to be the most powerful bow in the game. It's true power comes from its darkness destroying powers, unlimited arrows, and that it can shoot straight as far as you can see. It may not be the strongest, but it certainly makes up for it's shortcomings in power.


4. Super Shotgun
This weapon is found in the Doom series. It is a classic example of over the top weaponry. The weapon itself is pretty self explanatory in its name. It blasts enemies away with ridiculous force and leaves the utmost satisfaction. It's a fun and addicting way to kill enemies, and has a fair amount of ammo for it in the game at most times. While it's not the strongest weapon in the game, it's one of the funnest to play around with. It's three times as strong as a regular shotgun iconic, powerful, and 100% bada**.


3. Fat Man
The next weapon on this list is Fat Man from the Fallout series. As it's name suggests, it pays homage to the actual Fat Man. This weapon is capable of launching mini nukes at its enemies. It's destructive capabilities are nothing to be made light of. Although it's ammo may be rare, once you have some you instantly blaze through enemies. Deathclaws? Bring it on. Bosses? No problem. I think I've explained enough about this one.


2. Ring of the Lucii
In Final Fantasy XV you get the Ring of the Lucii. Now this ring is a special case. It is only usable by the royal blood line. Anyone else who attempts to use the ring is usually dealt a death from disintegration. However if you are able to wear it you gain incredible abilities. These include sucking the life out of your enemies, phasing through attacks, and an attack that has a chance of one shotting any enemy possible. Instant death. The ring's biggest downside is it sucks the user's life-force out slowly with use. Besides this, it's the ultimate ace up your sleeve.


1. Keyblades
I'll admit I'm a little bit biased on this one, but by no means does this not deserve a top spot in this list. A Keyblade is magical weapon that only few choosen wielders are able to handle. They are sentient in there own mystic ways, and choose who may touch them. If someone who isn't it's wielder attempts to hold it, it will flash back to it's true owner's hands. This essentially makes all Keyblade wielders impossible to disarm as they can summon it at any time.

Besides that, the wielder is able to change it's appearance and abilities with keychains to better suit their needs. However, a keyblade can also mold into any form it's owner wishes, including guns. Additionally it let's it's master use of advanced forms of magic, while granting them beyond superhuman strength and agility. The master is even able to decide whether the edge of it is blunt or razer sharp. As you can see, this weapon is beyond deadly in every meaning of the word.


Thanks to the wonderful companies and workers who put countless hours into these games! The effort you put into them to entertain us is astounding and really touching. Thank you for reading this post of mine! If you liked my post please up-vote, resteem, and follow me for future content! I really appreciate the support.
