Star Citizen Roadmap 2018

in #gaming7 years ago

The new website makes a clear distinction between single and multiplayer component as well as the development area of ​​the project. For players, however, the roadmap is more important.

Along with a redesigned website, Cloud Imperium presents a roadmap describing the development of Star Citizen in 2018. As previously announced, the studio is now switching to smaller, quarterly updates designed to accelerate the alpha version after reaching version 3.0.

Cloud Imperium plans to implement a character editor, balancing, integrating the ship AI into the subsumption platform, and adding new weapons and ships in the first quarter of the year. Also, the optimization of the currently still low performance is on the to-do list.

The Alpha should receive more gameplay options, a more interacting and responsive AI as well as more ships, weapons and planets, as well as the necessary technical basics. Also, the purchase of land in the game will be possible according to current status this year. The developers had started selling the necessary licenses months ago.

Goals and features as well as times can change dynamically. According to the developers, priority is given to quality assurance. A feature will be released only if it meets its own requirements. The list also comes from the internal project management database and is automatically updated from this source once a week. 

What do you think about the upcoming features?