A very quick match. Team FaZe has such a aggressive, unique and well coordinated playstyle. It was like a direct counter to YeaH Gaming's style.
Map Picks and Bans
- FaZe: Coastline, Chalet, Border
- YeaH: Kafe, Skyscraper, Consulate
- FaZe: Bank
- YeaH: Clubhouse
- Decider: Oregon
FaZe won 2:0 against YeaH
- Bank ( FaZe's Pick): FaZe 5:2 YeaH
- Clubhouse(YeaH's Pick): FaZe 5:1 YeaH
Here are some Highlight Clips from stream:
extreme back and forth + AstrO Clutch
Clubhouse Cash defense win
3k from muringa with LIONs hacks
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Unfortunately, we cant edit (update) our Overview Post anymore, because it is older than 7 days. We will do a weekly Overview Post with all results and Highlights of each week!
Wow this is so cool
thanks mate ;)