Gaming, for me, is the future of entertainment.

in #gaming7 years ago

I wouldn't call myself a hardcore gamer, but I'm enough into my games that I see the benefits in them when used in moderation. No, I don't mean to sit there and play them until the sun comes up, or all day, more so when used 1-3 hours a day as a form of healthy entertainment. A couple of years ago I tried to buck a trend in the charity sector which was quickly slapped down, that gaming can, and does produce positive results in the mind. Thought process, co-ordination, reflexes, and completely distracts you from your addictions. I would put my cigarettes on hold for at least 500% longer than I normally would have when playing games. Nonetheless, I required funding from older and more anti-gaming people in our industry, and to compensate my manager watered down my idea to the point that it was a shadow of what my vision was.

We didn't get it.

So I'm a gamer, and when I can I like to give a game here and there a bash to pass the time. There are a few of my favourites that I'm playing right now, and it's nicely distracting me from the pressures of life late at night, when there's only me and my thoughts left.

Mass Effect Andromeda

Regrettably this is my first mass effect title. Wow! This has blown my socks off. I'm glad I bought it really. By far, one of the best story rich titles out there. I uhmmed and aahhhed about buying this for about 2 months until I took the plunge. I was literally amazed. It blew my mind away. I'm not generally a space farer, but this game has encouraged me to look into more titles. I've also had to back off from playing this a little because I was starting to have dreams about it lol.

Max Payne 3

Damn, this was the game that got me back into gaming after an absence about 5 years. I still replay max payne 3 today because it's amazing, bloody, and vicious. Slow bullet shots, exit wounds cinematic views, this is a game for those that are a fan of the original series (yes, I was too). If you like south america, drugs, gang violence and faction police groups this game is definitely for you. Oh, and hardcore violence!

Just cause 3

One of my favourites to play right now. If it can be destroyed? It can be destroyed. Buildings, gas tanks, sattelite dishes, you name it, you can bring it tumbling down with the arsenal you have at your disposal. The map in here is the largest I've ever seen, it is literally massive. Takes a good long while to travel the length and breadth by jet. This is by far my favourite open world game, GTA V is good and all, but there's so much to do in here. You can hurtle your jet into a bridge and parachute to safety whilst you watch it crumble behind you.

Ghost Recon Wildlands

This is my favourite tactical shooter right now. Take an entire region out without them knowing that you existed, or were there in the first place. I'm playing this right now, it's my go to game after I've finished with steemit at night. I must admit I do like the sneakiness and subterfuge of this game. Definitely not a game to be jumping in all guns blazing!

Last but not least. Watchdogs 2

Quite enjoying this right now, although I don't quite agree this is what an elite hacker team would be like. Nevertheless I'm having an enjoying time taking down big government from the inside. If it's something I can't do it in real life I may as well fantasise it, right? :)


I agree whit you friend. Gaming is the future of entertaiment. i am currently working on my last year advertising thesis on games as an advertising platform. i`ve been a gamer since i was 4 years old.

Nice post :)

Wow! That's longer than me. I've been gaming since 7 on the zx spectrum, hah

Wow very nice Game!
thank you

Thank you :)

Its not only the future, it is the past, presence and the future, especially VR. Good headline, but i am more of a couch and a playmate besides kind of gamer :)

I can't wait until I get VR :)

VR will be games revolution, but i dont know how will it afect eyes and brain :(

It'll be good fun trying :)

Really nice to see someone enjoying Mass Effect Andromeda that much after all the bad press it had. It is a really good game despite all the negative reviews it had. Some people love their BiowareHate. You should try the original trilogy. It's not as "open world" as Andromeda, but you will love Commander Sheppard story.

I honestly fail to see why anyone would hate that game. I haven't found fault with it yet

It's just trends :P because of bioware's past mistakes it seems that is now cool to hate on anything the company does. But dont let that deter you. I played it 3 times already and enjoyed my time in it greatly.

Watch dogs 2 was quite fun :) I'm waiting for god of war and red dead 2!

Oooh. Red dead 2, nice :)

I miss retro gaming, but I think it is cool to see the wave of new stuff on the market. I realize that these sort of games have been around for a long time now, but to me it still new. These games you have shown us are actually not bad at ll. Ghost recon was one of my friend's games and he played it all the fucking time, like non-stop. I enjoyed the music and the kill shots. Good post, raymondspeak!!

Yup. I was a huge fan of Ghost Recon Phantoms

Gaming will stick with us for sure in the future, but it doesn't mean other forms of media will just kick the bucket and die.
Because the format of games is quite different, it's an interactive form of media instead of passive and there will always be people who just want to sit down and watch a story unfold.

Great post! Would you mind if I included it in today's "best of gaming"?

Sure! Go for it. Keep the rewards, take as much content as you need from this. You have my permission :)

Lots of good games listed here! I've not played Watch Dogs 2 yet, but I enjoyed 1 so should get round to 2 at some point.

Watchdogs 2 is far better than the first one - lots of change implimented :)

Awesome! I will definitely add it to my games to play then!

You'll enjoy it :)

I should get myself a xbox-one. Seeing Mass effect's trailer and other futuristic shooters like that make me impatient to start playing again.

Mass Effect Andromeda is hands down the best game I've ever played. It has EVERYTHING I like in a game

Great post
thank you

Thank you :)

Great games listed, I strongly agree that games are a major contributor in the entertainment sector, possibly even as much as Video (Youtube, TV series, etc)

Thank you :) - yes, I agree!

Like the list buddy

Cheers dude!