Yooooo steemians Hello, how are you guys? back again with me @rezaerfiandes. How y'all doin ' today? Do you currently have? Oh yeah stay faithful reading the postings I Yes hehehe. Okay today I rushed back to Medan to back activity as usual. But, I like to review games for all of you. Okey, as usual, I was reviewing the games that are on the smartphone. I'm using Xiaomi Redmi 5A to review games. The specification of this smartphone was good enough to play the game with good graphics. This time I will review advanced game which I've reviewed previously, namely game is Contract Killer: Sniper. If you haven't read it, please see the previous post on Contract Killer: Sniper Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11. The source code could you guys go to the end of this post.
Okay, I'll review just a little on the Part 11. In Part 11 and I've played a few missions consist of Contract: Kill All, Gunning With The Devil, Contract: Kill All Enemies, Contract: Contract: Kill, Destroy All The Terrorist, Contract: Kill All The Weatherman, and Everything Must Go. Missions that I play in Part 11 are still in the East Asia Region. Each region has many missions we have to complete so I'm still playing in the East Asia Region. Okey we go continue to completing the missions.
The Mission "Contract: Kill the Target" there's a king rat here somewhere in this hole. Find him and shoot him in the face. "Kill the target" Locate Tong and assassinate him. On this mission I will use weapons sniper rifle type Talon SR-9 with power still 216. Location of play around the temple. We started to play with the position is above and the enemy below were idle. This mission just got to kill Tong. Tong was hiding and on guard by some of his bodyguards. I have not found the Barrel, I had to shoot a couple of bodyguards in advance so that the Barrel out of the hide. His bodyguards are very much not maybe I should kill all. Yap sure enough Tong appeared and I direct headshot him. Missions are completed. After completion of the main mission of this my level up into level 13 reward with + 38 loves and 5 golds.
The Mission "Lifetime Policy" A mobbed-up insurance broker sold bogus policies to trusting retires, then stole their entire savings. People have died because of him. He's next. "Kill the target" Locate Pang and assassinate him. On this mission I use weapons sniper rifle type Talon SR-9 and are required to upgrade the power of the 216 being power 222. The location of the play is still the same with the mission Contract: Kill the Target before but with a different angle. Pang is not good at hiding, he was walking around the arena. I saw the first anyone his bodyguards, I see no enemy sniper rifle and rocket launcher. It's very dangerous if we have to kill the guards first. For fast I instantly shoot Pang.
The Mission “Eye For an Eye" This is not a revenge mission. However, the agency has learned that a triad leader who ordered an assassination agent's has resurfaced. Do the job. "Kill the target" Locate Cai and assassinate him. On this mission I still use weapons sniper rifle type Talon SR-9 222 with power already upgraded before. The location of the play on the floor of a temple facing out. We are an open the window to kill them from above. Beautiful views on the location of this play. Okay just hurried finish due to drone machine gun has been very ready to fight. Wow current Cai had two guards with full armor clothing. They use machine guns with shots that are very crazy. There is also a rocket launcher that was ready to shoot. This mission is very difficult. I had to kill two people in advance, then kill the rocket launcher, and ignore the other guards. Afterwards I killed Cai.
The Mission "Fire at will" And at Mike, George, Tom, and any other thug whose name does or does not appear in the phone book. Shoot first, ask questions never. "Eliminate" Kill all enemies. Before starting to play I need to upgrade the weapons would I use. I use weapons Raptor Mar-21 222 with power upgrades become power 228. The location of the play not in the temple, we play in a storage shed weapons of war. I entered the hallway and found three of the enemy who were manning. Shoot them and drone machine gun started in action. Afterwards I found two people the enemy again. The mission was completed quickly because the enemy is not much.
The Mission "Here Comes The Boom" Your triad informant has tipped you off to the nightshade factory's location! Get in there and wreck everything. "Destroy Property" $600.000 cause of damage. On this mission I still use weapons sniper rifle type Talon SR-9. I am most lazy if must use weapons sniper rifle to destroy property because the sensation is less interesting. Location of play around the temple. Not many guards property on this mission. I just focus to destroy property and drone machine gun that shot the guards. Mission accomplished and I had to go down and jumping fences to take the chip on one of the guards. The reward I get $600.000 in accordance with the contract.
The Mission "Killing Time" We have word that a small army of the triads are plotting the right time to strike at you. Preempt their attack with one of your own. "Eliminate" Kill all enemies. I'm currently using weapons Raptor Mar-21 with power still 228. Location, having starred in the temple. Many enemies are prepared when you start the game. On this mission there are nine people we should kill. Not unexpectedly turns out there is an automatic machine gun which was already preparing to shoot towards the us I must destroy weapons of automatic machine first, very disturbing. After it emerged an elite sniper enemies from the top floor. I had to shoot him and kill the enemies that exist under the door. In a room there are only two people who were watching. I was headshot them both. This mission is finished my level up into level 14 with reward + 64 loves and 5 golds.
Okay my steemian I think this is how advanced review game of Contract Killer: Sniper Part 12. I hope you guys are happy with some of the missions that I've played and I review for you guys. May be a reference for you guys play this game. Please play this game if you like. For the next posting I still further about the Contract Killer: Sniper. So you guys don't miss updates on missions that I review here. So for you guys don't forget to continue to read the next part of the review. Oh yeah, I hope that my review you can make you guys like it and you guys enjoy it. As always if there are any less in my review please be corrected. See yaa steemians.
If you haven't read my review of the parts of Contract Killer: Sniper from part 1 to part 11, you can click link below, enjoyed steemian!
Contract Killer: Sniper Part 1 "Source Code"
Contract Killer: Sniper Part 2 "Source Code"
Contract Killer: Sniper Part 3 "Source Code"
Contract Killer: Sniper Part 4 "Source Code"
Contract Killer: Sniper Part 5 "Source Code"
Contract Killer: Sniper Part 6 "Source Code"
Contract Killer: Sniper Part 7 "Source Code"
Contract Killer: Sniper Part 8 "Source Code"
Contract Killer: Sniper Part 9 "Source Code"
Contract Killer: Sniper Part 10 "Source Code"
Contract Killer: Sniper Part 11 "Source Code"
Di redmi 2 sanggup gak kira2?
kayaknya lelet @dimensco
wkwkwk, buat ML aja berat ni
udah saatnya ganti @dimensco