[Game Review] Contract Killer: Sniper #Part 14 [ENG]

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Okay, I'll review just a little on the Part 13. On the 13 Part I've played a few missions consist of Fire with Fire, Secret Weapon, Hard to Swallow, Unlucky Charm, Clear and Present, Bitten, and Double Take. Missions that I play in Part 13 still are in the East Asia Region. Each region has many missions we have to complete so I'm still playing in the East Asia Region. Okey we must continue to complete these missions.

The Mission "Clear Room" Terrorism and computer hacking sometimes go hand in hand. So find this craphole cyber-and wipe out every oxygen-consuming organism inside. "Plant the bomb" Proceed to extraction point. On this mission I use weapons Raptor Mar-21 with should upgrade power of 240 power into power 28. The location of the play not in the temple, but be on the database server room. Okey, startup visible two enemies were getting, I started the shoot and drone machine gun off. Afterwards I am cracked and four direct enemy shot together. I focus on one by one to shoot for easy pairs bomb. It turns out that other enemies came again and I haven't had time to install the bomb. Okey no problem, I just kill all of them. After that I installed the bomb and destroy it.

The mission "Out for Blood" A triad leader forced a whole family--a mother and four daughter-into prostitution. We're not paid to make moral judgments, but. ... send a message. "Kill the target" Locate Luo and assassinate him. Location of playing outside the temple surrounded by another temple. Before starting the game I needed to upgrade the power of the weapon that will I use. I use weapons sniper rifle type SR-9 with Talon power 240 becomes power 248. When starting the game I see in advance the conditions around. Wow I actually see the Luo who were holding a rocket launcher. This is very dangerous, it would be a problem. In order not to long I direct headshot Luo before he acts.

The Mission "Wrecking Brawl" Lovely place, but you know what would make it look even better? Bullet holes. Lots and lots of bullet holes. "Destroy Property" $550.000 Cause of damage. On this mission I use weapons Raptor Mar-21 with power still 248. Location plays in the temple with a different space. When starting the game, I saw there is a property which should I destroy. It turns out that the automatic machine guns appeared directly active when I heard the blast. I must destroy that automatic machine guns first. In addition there is one automatic machine gun guards who were firing. I ignore, that the Affairs of the drone machine gun. Automatic machine guns have not been destroyed, two men emerged from behind the enemy direct fire. I must hide and finish their firing. Then we walked in the hallway and found two of the enemy. I shoot and go into a room. There are four people under enemy and on the up floor. Me and my drone machine gun preparing to shoot them. Then I finish destroy property. I get the reward $630.000 of contract $550.000. Completed this mission my level up to level 16 with reward + 64 loves and 5 golds.

The mission "Into The Storm" An assassin code-named the "God of Thunder" Just put a bullet in the wall an inch from your head. Return the favor but with better aim. "Kill the target" Locate Niao and assassinate him. On this mission I use weapons sniper rifle type Talon SR-9 with power should be upgraded from 256  power into power 248. Location plays in the courtyard of the temple. I was in the position of the upper floor hide behind the fence. I see the situation below, they're awake. I'm looking for Niao, he does not exist. I had to create a rowdy atmosphere so that the Niao out. Not long ago, Niao emerged from hiding, I change the focus to kill Niao. Sure enough I direct headshot him.

The Mission "Contract: Kill All" Hey! We've got a fever. And the only thing that can cure it is shooting another crime lord full of holes. (Should we see a doctor for this?). "Eliminate" Kill all enemies. On this mission I use weapons Raptor Mar-21 with power still 248. I have to kill seven people. Location of playing outside the temple towards the backyard of the temple. When starting the game, the two enemies were seen Manning. I immediately shoot them and active drone machine gun to shoot. Go into the backyard of the temple, there are three enemies on the left, right, and top of the building. I shoot those below, wow it turns out above a sniper elite enemies. He expertly hid, I'm slowly finding his head and headshot. Enter again into the remaining one person an enemy, it's very easy to be killed.

The Mission "Habeas Corpus" In latin, it literally means, "You have the body." Think any of these church-bombing terrorists know the latin translation for "with many bullet holes in it"?. "Kill the target" Locate Pak and assassinate him. On this mission I use weapons Raptor Mar-21 with power should be upgraded from 256 power into power 248. The location of the play rather than in the temple. We are in the room of enemy war supplies storage. When starting the earliest known there is only one person being awake, I shoot straight. Entrance I noticed three people there including Pak was holding machine guns. I change the focus and kill Pak quickly.

The Mission "Taking out the trash" The wolves hve a crew headquartered above a noodle house. Dispose of them like week-old leftovers. "Eliminate" Kill all enemies ". On this mission I use weapons sniper rifle type Talon SR-9 with power still 256 which was already upgraded in the previous mission. The location of the play page of temple and another temple. I have to kill seven people. When you see the situation, there is a rocket launcher that is being posted. I have to kill him first to avoid troublesome game. On this mission I was a little difficult to kill a sniper elite enemies. He's very shrewd hiding so I hard shot him. Keep calm, I find a way, I find the narrow point to headshot him, done he died.

Okay my steemian friends I think this is how advanced review game of Contract Killer: Sniper Part 14. I hope you guys are happy with some of the missions that I've played and I review for you guys. May be a reference for you guys play this game. Please play this game if you like. For the next posting I still further about the Contract Killer: Sniper. So you guys don't miss updates on missions that I review here. So for you guys don't forget to continue to read the next part of the review. Oh yeah, I hope that my review can make you guys like it and you guys enjoy it. As always if there are any less in my review please be corrected. See yaa steemians.

If you haven't read my review of the parts of Contract Killer: Sniper from part 1 to part 13, you can click link below, enjoyed steemian!

Contract Killer: Sniper Part 1 "Source Code"

Contract Killer: Sniper Part 2 "Source Code"

Contract Killer: Sniper Part 3 "Source Code"

Contract Killer: Sniper Part 4 "Source Code"

Contract Killer: Sniper Part 5 "Source Code"

Contract Killer: Sniper Part 6 "Source Code"

Contract Killer: Sniper Part 7 "Source Code"

Contract Killer: Sniper Part 8 "Source Code"

Contract Killer: Sniper Part 9 "Source Code"

Contract Killer: Sniper Part 10 "Source Code"

Contract Killer: Sniper Part 11 "Source Code"

Contract Killer: Sniper Part 12 "Source Code"

Contract Killer: Sniper Part 13 "Source Code"

Yooooo steemians Hello, how are you guys? back again with me @rezaerfiandes. How are you guys? I hope you stay good? Oh yeah stay faithful reading my postings ya hehehe. Okey, as usual, I was reviewing the games that are on the smartphone. I'm using Xiaomi Redmi 5A to review games. The specification of this smartphone was good enough to play the game with good graphics. This time I will review advanced game which I've reviewed previously, namely game is Contract Killer: Sniper. If you haven't read it, please see the previous post on Contract Killer: Sniper Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, and Part 13. The source code could you guys click to the end of this post.