Gambling in 5th Edition D&D 2 of 7: Dice

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)


Winning at dice can come down to either straight luck, or to your proficiency at cheating. Lastly, in some games like Yahtzee it depends on both luck and your choices. This sample dice game will be based on both of those things as well as cheating. Your dice Proficiency is essentially the luck portion of this. This is an example of a full evening's gambling, not a single throw of the dice. Each dice session lasts a full four hours and does not count as rest. There may be a limit on your initial investment based on those you are gambling against.

Copper +0 DC
Silver +5 DC
Gold +10 DC
100+ Gold +20 DC

Every game will start with a Dice proficiency roll. This roll is your current score

Do an Intelligence (Investigation and Dice) check. So you can apply both proficiencies on a single d20. This will be 1d20 + Intelligence + Investigation + Dice
DC 11: Add your Intelligence Modifier to your Perception check
DC 14: You get advantage on your future Dice checks this Session
DC 17: Double your Dice proficiency on all future checks in this session

Next do a Wisdom (Perception & Dice) check adding both proficiencies on the single 1d20. 1d20+Wisdom+ Perception + Dice
DC 15 Total Gambling DC -4
DC 19 Total Gambling DC -8

Finally, do an Dexterity (Sleight of Hand & Dice) check in one roll.
Add this result to your current score, which should be 1d20 + Dice from the first roll.

Total score: 1d20+Dice, 1d20+Investigation + Intelligence + Dice + Other bonuses you may have earned.
DC 21 You retain half of your initial bet. You won some, you lost more, but you survived
DC 25 You won some, you lost a bit more. You retain three quarters of your initial bet.
DC 29 You won some, you lost some. You break even keeping all of your money
DC 33 You won some, You lost less. You keep your money and make 50% more as well
DC 37 You lost some, you won more. You double your money.
DC 41 You won, what am I talking about, of course you won. Triple up your initial money
DC 45 Hello Matrim Cauthon. Quadruple your money.


