Hi, Sorry if I'm late upload this song because my laptop is borrowed for National exams simulation. But, late is better than nothing. I playing the newest dl soundtrack song named The Racing. Enjoy.
[Bahasa Indonesia]
Hai, Maaf jika saya telat upload video ini karena laptop saya dipinjam buat simulasi UNBK. Namun, lebih baik telat daripada tidak sama sekali. Saya memainkan lagu terbaru dari Dancing Line OST yang bernama The Racing. Enjoy.
Song Name : The Racing
Soundtrack : Dancing Line
Composer : Cheetah Games
Intro Song : Vega Strike - News 1
Outro Song : Thrive - 'Vireo' - Thrive Main Theme v8 (CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported) (By Oliver Lugg a.k.a Oliveriver)
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