How complicated is Terraforming Mars? It looks interesting, though I'm not quite sure what to make of it as I've been trying to find more non-competitive games for the kids, and this one looks like a weird combo of competitive and non-competitive.
Ahh well youngest has to learn how to be a gracious loser XD
it's fairly complex, but at the same time you only have a few options each turn. If you don't have the resources to buy a greenery or increase the temperature, your actions are mostly limited to purchasing and playing a card.
I forgot to post a link to a play through video in my post (always forgetting something). I'd not be wanting to play with anyone under 10, and 12 would be a fairly normal 'low end' I think. It also takes ~90-120 minutes, so the ability to stay focused on the game for that long would be necessary.
JonGetsGames Review
The small one can sometimes drag a freaking Pokemon game out that long and not even due to the reading issue so that might be less of a problem than anticipated DX (Pokemon usually takes less than 30min, I seem to average 10-15 because I can read/know what the cards do).
That might exacerbate the issue too though. Every card is different, and there is some reading to understand exactly what they do. There are lots of symbols too, which is good, but the words do clarify things. But if not ready for it yet, in a year or 2 maybe?
Well be good as he needs the practice. But will likely be another year or two anyway as I currently don't have the money to drop on another board game!