If Saints was one of your first games as well, you'll appreciate this,
Keeping it spoiler free, but at some point you end up at this menu with the old games menu music and everything! I was really happy they put this in the game, that nostalgia lol..
If you enjoyed the Assassins Creed games you played, you may also like Assassins Creed in Chicago (Watchdogs I) or Assassins Creed in Mordor (Shadow of Mordor/War) if you haven't checked those out lol. As for for the Far Cry series, I highly recommend playing Far Cry 3, Vaas Montenegro is one of my favorite antagonists in gaming hands down. Far Cry 4 I got lost in the open world and the campaign wasn't as memorable for me, so I'd almost say, play 3 and then 5 lol.
Nice that's dope. I absolutely love Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War. I can def record so of those games. Watchdogs I'm so so on.