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RE: Things Console Peasants Say Episode #1 - Consoles are cheaper then computers

in #gaming8 years ago

love a good console vs pc convoy... PC's are over priced.... You gotta update every other year to keep up. Console ehhhh sure I dont have 4k graphics all the time but oh well.. How many monitors did you go through just to get to that?? I've had the same tv for the last 5 years.. NO issues..

video game prices.. yea STEAM is doin the damn thang... That Blockbuster release is on sale............... a year later.. that's any game... Except on the XBOX live store.. so you kinda got me there....

Lets say you got a nice system... Everything is running high end..... Some newbie can have shitty graphics and Have an advantage over you... All that expensive shit and for what???

Either way we all gamers.. .Enjoy what ya got. I have a pc and I only play a few games on it but its always fun but Console is more for me