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RE: Blizzard makes all World of Warcraft expansions free

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)

I renewed my subscription because of this although I haven't really played it much. Maybe it's a just my stubbornness to accept new things, but I still feel more motivated to play vanilla or WotLK than I do retail. There is something about retail wow that I don't like, but I can't figure out why. I installed a vanilla private server and it just feels better to me. I think if they implemented that pristine server idea I would be more interested in playing modern wow. Even though the gameplay of vanilla was highly repetitive and grindy, the community was really good. Since the game was more difficult it encouraged teamwork.

Anyway, when they release classic wow I will probably renew my subscription to play it.


I have a similar sentiment to you. I absolutely loved the Vanilla times and while yes it was repetitive, the hustle and bustle of getting around and doing those 20 man UBRS or 40 man MC runs were the best times of my gaming life. I had 10+ real life friends playing and online constantly. Nothing comes close to it and I doubt there will be anything that can compete on that level tbh!