Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars: Brainwashing on TV

in #gaming9 years ago (edited)

My hatred for T.V. stems from my absolute love for the computer, and video games, and pretty much anything I could interact with.  I find it both entertaining, and constructive.  When you play a video game, you feel like you’ve accomplished something. <a href="

target="_blank">Jane McGonigal explains it perfectly</a>.  For the gamers that haven’t seen this before, and have needed a way to justify the lifestyle of being a gamer: you’re welcome.

This hatred stems from something I heard when I was incredibly young.  I don’t remember the context, or even where I heard it, but I do remember someone saying T.V. is brainwashing. It was short, vague, and down right paranoid as far as I was concerned. I never paid any attention to it after that, even though I loved the concept of brainwashing (even at a very young age).  After my experience in the military studying Hitler’s use of propaganda during the Nazi regime, I began to take an interest in the subject of brainwashing.  I spent 80 hours of my life under instruction of my sergeant , learning propaganda and brainwashing from what most people would consider a credible source: a high ranking individual in the US Army.  Then I spent much of my time reading anything on this subject that StumbleUpon decided to show me. Any college student knows that a high level of understanding comes from someone who spends that much time researching a subject.

The use of television is brainwashing for dummies.  There are frequencies that are emitted from the television that sends your brain into a state of alpha.  While on this enjoyable brain wavelength, you become highly suggestible to ideas in the form of suggestion.  You have to make someone believe it was their idea, otherwise they will not be brainwashed through the use of media.  Corporations attack our freedom to live in a society with free enterprise, because they have spent so much money bombarding our thoughts with their product.  They didn’t have to say “buy our product”.  In fact they avoid it.  Most commercials inform you about the product, give you reasons that it would be beneficial, and then bombard your emotions (while already in a state of Alpha), and viola you suddenly remember that Brand when you think of the thing you need. How often do you spend your time thinking about tangible things?  How often does that thing usually have an associated brand?  It’s hard to live life without the use of tangible things.  Nearly everything in your house is something you purchased, and it most likely has a brand name on it.

Entertainment programs, and the media feed you very limited information on what society is like.  Reality TV shows, and sitcoms both give skewed versions of what people outside of their own house are like.  Reality TV has the viewer witness people who sell their souls for money, to put it plain and simple.  Sitcoms are usually more family/friend oriented, but focuses on a characters problems.  It doesn’t focus on the grand success of a challenging project, but more the emotional problems the character experiences, and the social interactions between characters.  It warps the perception that the person in that sitcom is an “average person”, and that the situations he gets into are “average situations” with a dash of comedy. Well, this plants the seeds that the responses that the character does on T.V. is okay.  We translate in our head that he’s average, and his situation is probably more common than we think, even if we haven’t experienced it. In the event this situation happens in real life, you’ll have been desensitized to it, and you’ll think it’s average (despite it being the first time to happen to you), so you’ll respond in the same way the character on T.V. did, to come to the same resolution.

Don’t believe me?  Check the evolution of T.V. over the course of time.  Politicians used it to spread good moral family values in it’s release, which in turn caused our grandparents generation to be raised with what were considered good values.  Now, the values on T.V. are very different. MTV shows teenagers lashing out against their parents, and getting pregnant at sixteen, or whatever teenagers do.  Now, I lashed out at my parents like anyone else.  I also did not watch T.V., so there are certain behaviors that aren’t entirely formed from brainwashing, but just human biology.  But for the most part, this is the normal thing.  Right now pregnant sixteen year old girls are on for our entertainment, and we get to see people who’ve made bad decisions and laugh at them.  It has also planted the seed to teenage girls, if you get pregnant early on in life, you can become  rich and famous by going on MTV by fulfilling whatever criteria… usually pregnant, uneducated, and just a generally unintelligent human being.  At least you will be set for life, at expense of your dignity.

So, now you have an entire generation of women getting pregnant, because women are tricky, (My female friend told me this: plan things to work in your favor but act completely surprised when it does.  Female 101), and realize that our system will take care of them.  We will likely have a baby boom over the next several years.  Why do we need one?  I’m not sure, but the last baby boom took place directly after WW2, you know, in order to repopulate the world because so many people were killed, but those baby boomers just happen to be just the right age to go to war during Vietnam.  Coincidence?

My prediction is we’re going to need children for the future, because much of the young adult population is going to be needed for war.  We still have a large amount of the population who watches T.V. and there is a direct correlation between what people do, and what they see on T.V. Conversely, many people are waking up.  If this continues for another year or so, then we may have a chance to standup against the corporate giants, and big brother.  If big brother gets involved early on, they manage to put a stop to this enlightenment.  But I’m just a former Intelligence Analyst with only three years of training.  There are people who have 20+ years on this very subject, and have probably thought through every avenue I have covered, as well as the ones I didn’t cover.  There are very intelligent people at the top, and they are watching.  Every move you do is carefully calculated by these people, and every response is also calculated.  There is a formula that I learned, that would be impossible for me to explain in one article.  I read books on this formula, and articles that poked my brain. I do my best to explain these concepts in my articles, but I can only scratch the surface without continuing to hold my readers’ interest.  If you wish to know more, research the topics that I cover.  If you want to know if what I say is true, just look it up.  You'll be surprised that my posts aren't nearly as conspiratorial as they sound.  Several years ago, a lot of what I pointed out was covered up a lot better, so I would have sounded crazy then.  Now, this isn't crazy, it's real.

I’ve opened you up to the very subtle arts of Social Engineering. This is a very complex system, because there are so many dynamics and variables that are difficult to account for; however, it’s not so complex that one person can’t comprehend all of it. Many of my articles will continue on this theme, and become more specific as I continue to write. Please share this article if you liked it.