Just checked out the glg discord to see if anything has really been going on and the town hall channels last comment was bout missing it and it was in may. Also seems to be like 5 people in the whole game active still i think my choice to sell every single asset as i got it was a good one as i actually made a profit overall and every day i sell about 2000 plus glx for what ever i can get for it in sps and hive from my nodes i put some of that profit into which now looking back i should have sold those when there was liquidity and should have also never went in on moon karts or anything else until it was proven as the writing was sort of on the wall we were going into a down turn after that exploit. It would have happened anyway but if that ass didnt do it at least i would have made more money which would have helped offset the spl losses to come when the company went though restructuring and split which is when sps started to free fall but thank god i sold millions of sps before it tanked to below a few cents down to the sub pennies but i still had 250K and still have 200000 which is now worth about a grand when it was like 6k a few months ago. Also thank god i sold my 25 nodes when i did i would have lost 75% on those. Overall i think i managed to miss a lot of the heavy losses some of the other larger players had to have taken i mean they cant sell there stuff or they would crash the market now. I thought i messed up selling my old cards back when they dipped a bit before but my 100k collection then would have been like 10K now so im glad i downsized to a more reasonable level but i still should have cut it more and i stupidly bought a bunch of old cards for a bot for ab frays right before the huge decline in old cards the second time and now they mostly trade at burn value or close to it bc sps is so low and there only use is on land really bc wild costs money to play and there is no point now botting it as you break even really its much more profitable to just leave what you have on land to produce sps and dec and also try and sell as much as you can for good prices and put into things like btc right now as i doubt spl will outperform btc in the coming months unless this marketing effort works which is the only hope i think we have if it works we could turn the game around which is the only reason i have not just fire sold everything and am leaving my list prices higher and not selling things that have to do with just passive income like land as my only interest now is playing the game to make money out of it and recoup as much as possible via land passive income hopefully the sps im earning per day will pump and i can sell into strength to get some cost out a few times as im just staking it and holding some liquid always on bsc incase of a pump so i can take advantage of it. I always sell half of my sps income no matter the price now as its better off in btc or eth in the long run unless things change and until my account gets down to maybe 1-2K i will be selling as that is the level of risk im comfortable with now especially since i have equity risk as well which is worth way more than my collection so even if i sell all im still getting exposure and will ultimately win and make out if the game succeeds which seems like the prudent thing for me to do is sell as much as i can for a good price in to any strength or good sentiment and hold on to my stock for a possible exit down the road or dividends etc if we succeed as that will be what really pays off if we do is my equity. The equity if we succeed will pay either a lump sum or passive income eventually if the game keeps turning around and i will have hedged a bit by getting rid of most of my assets in game to lower risk. Its just to stressful and not fun to watch something you buy a week ago go down 50% an then another 50% all in like a month lol. The only things i want to hold is SPS to rent out for dec and dec if its low and i can hold for its normal cycles. The most liquid assets in the game so i can always exit if i need to and convert to eth or btc but can still profit from the extremely low sps price if we are successful. I would argue that anyone really smart is buying sps or dec only and getting rid of cards strategically as they tie up capital and are not producing more than what could be made from sps and dec or other assets even sps nodes or just hive and hbd until the storm gets more clear.
As for playing i will probably still play using some of the rents i get from my assets until they sell as i will be renting all of my assets out to get dec and not paying for the wild pass anymore as it is just not worth it and since sb cards are so expensive there not a reward there a speculative thing which i would be into if we were in more solid of waters but speculating on some really speculative thing probably not a great idea when btc and eth would likely perform better. I could have received a large allocation of zk, zro etc all these airdrops i got thousands from if i had deployed my capital more effectively and exited most of my cards when prices were insane. For people coming in now its a great time to speculate as assets are rock bottom now is when people who put a little bit in like i once did could make good money and the old players are just hoping to get there investment back for the most part. I put probably 100k into the game maybe more and deff did not get that all out. I was lucky to get what i got out so far i saved a good 30-40k of it from being decimated in the downturn by sheer luck of my methodical downsizing for risk.
When aggy was running it we had it all in front of us but he failed in bolstering the finances responsibly i think in my opinion with way to much in crypto and way to little in stables i mean we had a huge market cap as a company and dao as well as asset market cap and with the old demand we should have had no issue getting 20-30 million over time in stables to support us passively which is what Matt has done a good job with what he was left with is getting finances under control and making it sustainable for now giving us the run way to succeed with the marketing effort but we really do need this effort to be successful or the company would likely have to be sold and hopefully us shareholders would get something out of it as the capital has been tied up for 6 years and we were supposed to get even more sps distributions but that was voted to be given to nightmare packs i would have much rather had the sps I was supposed to get would have given me thousands more.
Lets hope i can get my account to a risk level im ok with now and then i can enjoy renting and just playing the game and plus the rewards in modern are like 20x wild which is ridiculous to have us pay for wild and nerf the rewards the payment is enough lol dont kill the value of all old cards as well make the pools equal now. There still are bots even in modern to i guess from what i hear. Its almost you need to some how get a bot that is not detectible or something or invest in someone who has a system to get enough sps to hopefully be in a position to not lose your % of the pie bc if people are cheating and getting a lot you will be punished if its not stopped and if it cant be you must join them lol or lose money. I dont do any of that stuff which is why im also reducing my exposure bc that is diluting my interest every day all of the stuff going on like in soul keep the same person is winning thousands of sps taking the whole leaderboard and the DC team still not fixing it maybe the sps should be shut off until its fixed so its not exploited or reduced.
Lets just hope matt continues to turn around the mess he was left and we can succeed with the marketing effort but i need to call it quits with my assets except land bc i just cant sell it for that low and it still produces decent sps so i can sell on pumps of it or be in a position to sell when new players push up demand hopefully then once i sell that ill be in a position to just profit off of transaction fees which is all i want to really do profit form people moving money around the game and rent out sps for dec. Also flipping cards to so basically doing the things you need to do to be on the winning side of the game if you are not a top player and there are very few that make super money and for them its great. What woul be great is if we had sps staking on players so people like me could stake people for a cut passively and have a diversified portfolio of basically scholars that we support to battle and we could even wager with other delegators whos scholar will win. I think they should have put all other games on hold and finished spl first and gotten ahead now were behind games we were light years ahead of like alien worlds token has outperformed us by alot and even axie has as well. Other gaming tokens like gods have done better by 200% same for illuvium. We are heading in the right direction now but lets hope we can catch up for all of our sakes as i dont want to lose all of my investment.