As some of you may know, lolesports has released their mew team Delta Fox not too long ago. People thought that they would demolish other teams because of their infamous team members Dyrus, Imaqtpie, Shipthur, Scarra, and Voyboy. Now dont get me wrong, these players are actually good in their respective roles, but with 3 players who have mostly played mid and not other roles a whole lot, they will probably lose in their positions.
No hate on anyone of them, i actually love them all as they have greag personalities, but people have actually been making a joke about scarras jungling. I 100% support them, but if they were aiming to just be a meme team they accomplished that, but if they are aiming to surpass otger teams, it seems skeptical to me. But anyways, that was just my opinion. Let me know what you guys thinkCurrently Delta Fox do not have a good match history as they are 0-5 in their matches, and this got me thinking were they hyped up for nothing?
I would hate to see them loosing more games. When they announced that they would start playing I got super excited. I mean who doesn't like Voyboy and all the rest of them. I don't know, I hope they just start seriously practicing. Imaqtpie said in one of his streams that they simply lack the time where they can all get together and properly practice as a team like most of the other teams involved..
Agreed. They definitely have the potential to become a great team.
This team will not be able to win unless they get a valid pregame strategy going and improve the communication. I play myself in high ELO on the EUW server and nearly everyone is mechanically very good when you reach a certain point.
The dream team has mechanically very good player and are probably better than most other players in the challenger series (except for Scarra, I consider him mechanically weaker than most, but he'd make a great shotcaller).
My point is that the mechanical advantage the dream team might have isn't important enough when weighing it against communication and strategies. When I look at Delta Fox playing I just see a very strong solo queue team with voice chat. The other challenger teams notice this too and this makes Delta Fox very predictable starting in the mid-game.