Interstellar Marines multiplayer Gameplay

in #gaming7 years ago

For some reason, all three Thumbnails are just me or someone else aiming down the sights on a Assault rifle.

Steam description: UPDATE 26 AVAILABLE - Interstellar Marines is an immersive tactical sci-fi First Person Simulator in the making, offering a unique blend of tactical gameplay, dynamic environments and non-scriptet AI. Play Singleplayer or Co-op/PvP on servers around the world.

What i like about it:

  • Overall gameplay is good
  • Its (kinda) realistic
  • I liked the Weather effects and the day/night cycle

What i Dislike about it:

  • Its pretty hard to find someone playing at all (most of the time everyones playing war games which is just the hunger games but without the hunger part)

The other stuff:

  • The development is going about as fast as a turtle riding a dead snail

So if your willing to suffer through only having 5-6 players on at all times, then this game is for you!

Get Interstellar marines on steam: Screen recorder i use: youtube channel where i might post funny stuff:

WOAH! theres "Non-scriptet AI"? No way!