Hello there fellow Gamer friends after a short switch of games , we are back again to game Battlerite untill I finish all of the champions. Todays topic is Jumong , The Beast Hunter
Jumong is a trophy collector who has wandered the wildlands in the pursuit of a worthy challenge. No longer content with hunting the great beasts of the world, has led him to enter the arena looking for a new type of prey. He traps his foes and ends them with a well placed shot from his mighty bow.
Jumong is a range archer champion with unimaginable escaping and kite abilities , eventhough he doesn't have much to burst , his periodic attacks and short cooldown spells provides him a unique ability to increase his damage output during the fights and it destroys his opponent with consistent and fairly fast damage.
Jumong , The Beast Hunter

Jumong is an extremely efficient damage dealer , his long range projectile and fast autoattack provides him amazing damage output in game , because he got 2 untargattable escape skills and lots of AoE crowd control affects like his arrow rain. However I must admit that he is a quite hard champ to master , because the damage he deal won't come from his skills , you will notice that when you play him more and more , your gameplay and damage output will become more smooth. Like every other champion in the game you might have some problems against 2 Meeles with reflections skills like Bakko , Raigon however if you use your escape skills right you will leave them behind more easily.
Skills & Battlerites

This is quite an auto-attack for a battlerite champion , because Jumong's auto attacks have synergy with his 3 other damage dealing spells , therefore it is crucial that you are landing those auto-attacks in most accurate way. If not your damage output will decrease and you will be much slower and less efficient.

This is your main damage source and it is a quite strong and long range projectile you need to be carefull when you are using it because it casting time is slighlty slower , therefore you may got countered or reflected.

Black arrow is your main gap closer ability to not to lose damage in fights , therefore it can be also used as a mildly weak escape ability.

This is your AoE Crowd control skills , Rain of Arrows both inflicts snare and it also has a synergy with your buff and in marks your opponent and it also deals decent AoE damage if the enemy got snared inside it for a long time.

Bear trap is another crowd control ability it snares opponents next to it if they step on them , you should use it as a road blocker.

Prowl is your main escape ability however if you run through your enemies when you are in inmaterial form you will inflict them your hunters mark and it will give you strategic opportunity.

These are quite optional ex-abilities , however you will find yourself using these a lot in the game play according to situations , these will increase your survivability , damage output and one of them has a synergy with your another skill.

This is the ultimate which ultimate hunters need , He charges and fires a big arrow and if you manage to hit by enemies it will pin them to the wall and according to projectile time it will deal tremendous amount of burst damage to your foes.
These abilities are providing you what you exactly need in the battleground as Jumong , Because Jumong needs a lot of survivability and crowd control skills in order to kite his opponents and deal them tons of damage while he is kiting.
Perfect Shot ability gives your steady shot 0.5 seconds stun and this stun enables to Jumong to deal more damage and also he can kite.
Arrow Storm increases the radious of your Rain of Arrow and these arrows slows and snare your enemy and you blockade the desired side of the arena according to your position.
Crippling Hail increases the affectiveness of your snare affect in raining arrow to increase damage output.
Trapper gives you to ability to snare more enemies
The last one is has a synergy with Trapper and it gives you survivability.

Well this champion's harness is around 90 percent in the official Battlerite site , therefore this guide probably won't be enough for you to become master of Jumong , because you really need to play him a lot in order to master him , however I will still end up with some beginners tips in order to give you more insight about the champion.
Always try to build as much as energy possible in the early game because as you clearly understand from his escape skill it consumes energy and your survivability depends on your escape skill therefore just stack energy and wait for opportunities.
Jumongs range is quite annoying and long for lots of champions , therefore always try to get the maximum from his range potential especially when you are fighting against meele champions. Just know the other champions range and try to adjust your range slighlty longer than theirs and poke like that. They will eventually overcommit and chase you so you can easily punish them and kite them.
Make the most of Jumong's range potential, especially vs melee champs. Try to place yourself slightly farther than their range and poke them as much as you can. They will be force to overcommit on you and if they fail you can easily punish them.
Thats all for todays guide thanks for tunning in you can always find me in Steam with the name of Krallar if you want to play some games.

interesting gaming post @steeminator3000
seems interesting, I appreciate the story you told #Hasta La Vista...
Hasta la vista
wow! nice gaming. i like this type game. when i get some time then i play this game.

Lol funny gif bro
Is this available for mobile? Or just plain pc
sadly pc
It is very informative.
I used to play him a lot, after reading your post I’ll definitely play him again 😊
Hi this game seems interesting, looks like a eye-friendly version of boodline champions.. Can you tell me how long is one game in the middle?