Want to know what a joke video game journalism really is?

in #gaming7 years ago

You guys and girls want to hear a joke about being incompetent at your job that is both funny and sad at the same time? Yes? Well with Devil May Cry 5 being a playable demo at Gamescom 2018, the cream of the crop video game journalists had a chance to play the game. And as you can expect hilarity ensued. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the mechanics of the game, it features a combat system where music becomes better as you play better. So the more combos you hit and the more attacks you dodge the more fast-paced and frenetic the music becomes. It turns out these people are so bad at the game that they can even hear the music playing…


I fuck you not! I am not even joking about this. Then they write previews on the demo they played complaining about the lack of music in the game:'


I always thought that video game journalism has hit rock bottom and that you can’t make “game journalism” any less credible but apparently not. Seems they are out to prove people like me wrong. And then they have this at the top of the webpage no less:


I have to thank Tom Senior from PC Gamer for this “amazing article“.


A guy who covered a demo of an upcoming game did not research a gameplay component that directly related to comments he made about the music in the game some how made journalism about video games a not credible thing. In wonder if this is this how the term "Fake News" came about, because of a human doing not great research. That is a hilarious mistake by that Tom guy and great catch, but I hope this doesn't cause people to stop covering video games lol.